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The only reason I don’t use iron sights (1.5x) or AA sights (1.25x) is because they have more zoom than the red dot sights (1x), which is an absurd design choice, since realistically speaking they all should have a 1x magnification.

In Bf1 all I did was run iron sights, the guns looked and felt much better that way. Especially here on console, magnification is very important due to recoil control being more difficult.

Why does dice like removing cool and useful features from older games? I don’t understand this...

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over 4 years ago - /u/DICE-RandomRecoil - Direct link

It was considered an accessibility issue. The problem is that at this point, it would also be complicated to bring it back, because the way the weapons have been set up makes it hard to customize your sight, zoom in speed and magnification at the same time.

over 4 years ago - /u/DICE-RandomRecoil - Direct link

Originally posted by KnockouT_7

Why not switch iron sights from 1.5 to 1.0 and nydar sight 1.0 to 1.5?

Honestly I think that the new weapon skill trees in place of magnification customization is not a good compromise. I'm not asking for more weapon perks or anything like that. I just want customization consistent with previous Battlefield games (BF4 got it perfect, BF1 was understandable given the era but allowed us to modify magnification instead, which is a great tradeoff between authenticity and gameplay). I feel like in this regard, and many others, BFV has taken a step back in an attempt to bring in new systems and features. We don't really get any variety in customization overall with the current state of weapon upgrades.

I applaud the effort in moving the franchise forward but there many aspects in previous games that got things done pretty well (example, UI and accessing settings/customization).

Because 1.5x, great sight picture and fast zoom in like irons would probably make iron sights totally obsolete. I would rather make iron sights 2x than 1x. At least in ADS, distances would actually look close to IRL 1x then.

over 4 years ago - /u/DICE-RandomRecoil - Direct link

Originally posted by QuantumPancakeLord

Would it be possible to make the vignette on the inner ring of the aperture sights less muddy/blurry looking? It looks really horrible, and probably pushes more people towards scopes.

I get how such a sight works IRL, having looked through one, but in a videogame it just causes eye strain..

Otherwise could we just get the 2x scope (like the one on the pistol carbine) added to more/all other weapons? A 3x scope is often too much zoom and, as noted above, the aperture sight is a poor alternative.

We have improvements like this coming up in the next patch. We also improved the visibility of the front sight against gray backgrounds. It might look a bit weird sometimes, but you can basically always see the ring.

over 4 years ago - /u/DICE-RandomRecoil - Direct link

Originally posted by Junoviant

And who decided it was an accesibility "issue" that needed to be "fixed"

I really wanted to keep zoom and reticle customization for BFV. I came up with it for BF1 because of how players completely ignored some scopes because they did not like the reticle or thought the magnification was a bit too high, while other players with bad eye sight asked for an option to get more magnification on iron sights, so they did not have to use scopes all the time. I am happy to see my idea has been received so well and people asking for it to return, but there is not much I can do at this point.

over 4 years ago - /u/DICE-RandomRecoil - Direct link

Originally posted by Lt_Flak

Hey RandomRecoil, sorry to stalk you but this is relevant to the topic, and I made a post about this myself, but is there any chance that the AA sights on MGs up upped to 2x or 2.25x instead of being at the 1.25x where they are?

Most of the default iron sights offer a decent, unobstructed field of view, especially the Lewis Gun, and with an MG you really wanna have good target acquisition since it's a medium-range weapon, besides the Madsen, and it can be hard to keep your eyes focused on an area you're suppressing for your squadmates with the muzzle flash. I always use the 3x on my MGs since area denial is an important aspect of the squad's automatic weapon, but that heavily obstructs field of view, as it's intended to, and I like to maintain more situational awareness while also being able to observe any targets trying to rambo it through my suppressive fire, not to mention the MMGs don't get 3x, as I know everybody on this forum is happy about.

Not to mention engaging airborne targets with MMGs is pretty pointless despite the specializations for them, since the typical airborne engagement distance is usually (approximated) 300m-500m, having a higher-focus on the spider web would alleviate the range issues and also allow better calculation of bullet trajectory on a fast moving target.

I would not expect such a change to happen unless we bring back zoom level customization somehow. In that case 2x or 2.5x at least on iron sights would be an option.