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A flurry of activity this week with a new update and our new Trello board.
Archive of Week Starting September 2, 2019
Monday, 9/2/2019
Tuesday, 9/3/2019
- Battlefield V Chapter 4: Defying the Odds Update 4.4 Release
- Battlefield V Chapter 4: Defying the Odds Update 4.4 Update Notes
- Battlefield V Chapter 4: Defying the Odds Update 4.4 Update Conversation
- This Week in Battlefield V - An overview of this week's news, blogs, content, and more. As items are added or shifted, this will be updated. Keep an eye on it through the week for redirect links!
- Last Chance for Weekly Mission Reward - Give the ToW Mission a final push if you haven't completed it yet. Weekly ToW Storyline ends on Wednesday.
- Weekly Community Highlight – Best Only in Battlefield Moment of the Week - Hot new OIB moment coming in with a new weekly winner! Think you’ve got a winner? Send it our way on any of the Battlefield channels. Each weekly featured clip will be awarded a Best Community in the World emblem!
Wednesday, 9/4/2019
Thursday, 9/5/2019
- Battlefield V Chapter 4: Defying the Odds Week 11 Begins
Battlefield V Quality of Life Tracker Update
-We're looking to launch the Battlefield V Quality of Life Trello board shortly. We'll keep you posted on the progress, and will continue to update the QoL Tracker in the meantime.The Trello Board is live. - Community Broadcast: Battlefield V Trello Board
- Battlefield V September Survey
Friday, 9/6/2019
- Weekly Debrief - Your one-stop destination for all the blogs, videos, and major news that happened in the week.
Notes & Addendums
- Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080Ti & Battlefield V Screenshot Contest Winners Are Being Finalized - The amount of submissions has been outstanding, so we're going through them, getting our finalists, and then will reach out to the winners next week. Once we've confirmed them winner's details, we'll share a thread with the 10 Winners' submissions.
- Keep an eye on the Trello board for updates on the Ping Increase Issue, Mouse Stuck When Controller Connected, and the Firestorm Looting issue we started seeing since Sept 3.