over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link


The dynamic settings in Battlefield V range from mountainous desert ranges to snow-capped peaks, destroyed city centers, and more.

With various weather systems and times of day, coupled with these different biomes, visibility is key to a successful engagement on the battlefield.


From launch we’ve been reading, and watching  many of the discussions that the community have had. One topic that we know the community is quite vocal and very passionate about, is player visibility.

Being able to see the enemy in dimly lit rooms, transitioning from indoors to outdoors without losing sight of the enemy due to change in environment, distinguishing enemy players from scenery within some maps - all top conversations that we’ve been tracking and working towards implementing fixes and tweaks.

These changes will be dropping in an upcoming update and are directly based on the feedback we’ve received from you. Please do keep this feedback coming.


We're implementing a new soldier visibility system that improves the visibility of soldiers in the game, while maintaining a believable artistic and gameplay balance. As we’ve made these changes we’ve strived towards creating a balance between a realistic soldier outline, while keeping in tune with the games artistic direction. ,


The new system is capable of making soldiers properly visible in very dark and very bright environments, and allows for more consistent visibility across all environmental situations.


The new system also better conserves the colors of a soldier's uniform to prevent very dark or very bright uniforms from having an unintended gameplay advantage. This doesn’t mean your soldier’s uniform skins don’t matter.

You’ll still want to ensure the camouflage you use matches the environment (greens for maps like Twisted Steel, tans and yellows for maps like Hamada) as this will still be the best choice. Previously, the darker uniforms were universally superior, creating an advantage for those that chose them.


Once this update releases (late May), dive in and see how it works. Let us know on the official Battlefield Forums, Battlefield V sub-reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Discord.

Your feedback is important and does help shape the changes we’re making, especially those relating to Quality of Life, please do keep it coming. Thanks for being a part of the Battlefield journey with us.

The Battlefield Team

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over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by BigLebowskiBot

Obviously, you're not a golfer.

Calmer than you are, Dude.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


No, that's not what it says. It shows that improved character lighting will improve visibility in the game, something the community has been consistently providing feedback about.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


How about this:
When it rolls out, test it out. Then provide feedback on how you find it.

I'm not discounting your opinion, but give it a try when it comes out first.

Is that fair?

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Radious87

Everyone will now shine like with a candle in their ass. This is WW2 game and using camo and being hidden is part of it. I dont want to spot enemies in every corner and shadow 100 metres away....

It specifically calls out that using appropriate camo will still be integral to being less seen.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by ImGoinPostal

Yeah exactly. And if someone has found a little spot or some clever cover then fair play. But it shouldn't be as easy as "lay down on the ground, turn invisible"


over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by scotch1701

Will this involve ray-tracing, or will any video card be able to do it?

And, it is optional, right?

It’s going to be for everyone. If it was just for RTX tech, those that don’t have video cards that can support it would be at a disadvantage.

As far as I know, it won’t be optional. I’ll get a confirmation on that for ya.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Amraz

"You want to ensure the camouflage you use matches the environment"

Sure... That's why you can save your set for every map :)

What ? no ? you can't ? Too bad, i will be gray everywhere because i take way too much time to switch.

It’s actually something we’ve been talking about. Having presets/loadouts that can be switched to on the fly or, perhaps, linked to the various biomes. There’s more work to be done, of course.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by ExpensiveArmadillo

At least we get better visibility than GoT, right? ;-)

I see what you did there. ;)

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by moneybagz123

Welcome to this sub, unfortunately. Mostly complaints with a few videos and "call me crazy but i love this game" posts sprinkled in. Frankly I am more of a fan of the update than not because the problem needs to be addressed, but we'll see if they went too far soon enough!


"Think before you downvote and take a moment to ensure you're downvoting someone because they are not contributing to the community dialogue or discussion. If you simply take a moment to stop, think and examine your reasons for downvoting, rather than doing so out of an emotional reaction, you will ensure that your downvotes are given for good reasons."

*"*Consider posting constructive criticism / an explanation when you downvote something, and do so carefully and tactfully. "

I get downvoted all the time for answering questions - because sometimes people don’t like the answer, despite it being THE answer. Ah well.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Q2CTF3

I know this isn't the appropriate thread to post this in, but I can't seem to get an official response to this gamebreaking issue:


Which I've also posted about on the official feedback forums:


Which received no response.

I even found another related bug report (that is clearly the same issue) and assisted by posting my video and example of what is happening. There was an official response this time, but it was the usual boilerplate "did you try turning it off and back on again?". But no official response after my reply.


It really does seem like Dice is refusing to acknowledge this as a problem, which is extremely depressing considering it's so massively game breaking for tankers. I get that the majority of people who play don't use vehicles and may never encounter this bug (which is probably why no one is posting about it), but for those of us who do enjoy tanks, it's preventing us from playing. I'll log in, jump in a tank, kill someone and experience this awful bug, and then shut the game down.

edit: thank you braddock for the response

I’ve escalated it right now to our QA team to investigate. They have all the links you’ve provided, including the video link in your previous post.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Q2CTF3

Thank you very much, I'm just so frustrated over this :(

I understand and I apologize if I missed the previous tag. There’s a ton of tags and I do my best to get to every one, but some times I do miss some. Thank you for retagging me so I can have someone look I to this.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Wargreymon559

Awesome can't wait to try it.

Any chance for future references when it comes to these QOL articles you guys can add some videos so we can see is about being done in real time?.

Definitely something I’d like to see myself!

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Waffle-or-death

This guy is correct man. The only reason he is using profanity is because he is being frustrated as the masses drown out his opinion and voice. He’s not angry at you specifically.

No no no no.
I was just quoting The Big Lebowski back to the bot.

"Obviously, you're not a golfer" is from the scene when the two guys break into The Dude's house, pull out his bowling ball, and ask him "what is this?" He replies, after pulling his sunglasses out of the toilet (where they had just shoved his face), "Obviously, you are a not a golfer."
My reply was from the scene when The Dude tells Walter Kochek to calm down after Walter pulled his gun out at the bowling alley on Smokey. Walter repeatedly says "Calmer than you are, dude. Calmer than you are."

I wasn't referring to the post from the guy who was upset.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by LOLRememberarbitur

I'm gonna have to repeat it again cause I got downvoted by assholes

Can you fix the white bloom visual effect that happens when staring out a window? Cant see put windows cause of it when scoping. It's stupid.

I don't have any details on that at this time, but will definitely share that with our designers. (I feel your pain myself. I have astigmatism in both eyes, so when there's lens flare/excessive bloom, it makes it harder for my eyes to focus.)

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by MaliciousMender

Do you think we can see customisation cosmetics for the elite characters? u/Braddock512

Honestly? Doubtful. But one never knows what may change in the future (this isn't saying it will change in the future).

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by LOLRememberarbitur

Why am I being down voted? It's a legitimate problem you dumbasses!

I gave it an upvote because I agree it is an issue.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Waffle-or-death

I wasn’t talking about the reference. The way you’ve made the guy react made it appear as if you had neglected to so much as acknowledge his question.

Okay, so you're being a big vague on who you're referring to. For the OP of this comment thread, I actually responded to him originally.


For the reference to the white bloom comment (which was posted an hour after I made the Lebowski quote joke) , you literally took the quote of my post as an assumption that I was telling him to calm down and/or refusing to acknowledge his comment. Which I wasn't. (I try to respond to as much as possible, but sometimes things are missed. And sometimes I can't respond because I'm gathering info from the Dev team.)

The reason I didn't immediately respond to the white bloom comment is because half the time I'm on my phone and I don't always see stuff that has been downvoted (which, let's be honest, is ridiculous if someone has an issue and people downvote it. Somewhere else in this thread someone mentioned reddiquette and how to properly use downvoting, but I guess that got lost or downvoted to oblivion as well).

But as this entire tangent is completely off-topic of the subject of the thread, I'm gonna move on.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by dinodefender93

Lol. This is stupid; just look at it. Your character is lighting up from nothing.

This is the same level of silly as recovering from a 30ft fall in 1.5 seconds from the new 'Combat Roll' update. Bit by bit, this game gets babied right up.

Reddit is a professional game developer according to DICE now. At least have the balls to stick to your original SOMEWHAT realistic design choices.

But hey that's just my opinion.

As I've mentioned elsewhere, perhaps the screenshots don't give it justice. How about we hold off on final judgment until it's actually implemented into the game and you can test it out? If it's great, great. If it needs work, share your constructive feedback once you've actually played with it enabled. As mentioned in the post, we're going to continue working to improve the game - based on feedback from the community (which includes a heck of a lot more than just reddit.)

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by CommanderInQueefs

Why wouldn't you guys post a quick video of gameplay instead of a screenshot?

I'm looking to get a video from the team. They're currently in the progress of locking down the next update (when this will come out), so gimme a couple days to see what I can find.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by LOLRememberarbitur

Thanks Braddock. I appreciate you relaying the info to the team. Didn't know you have astigmatism. Is there a cure?

And sorry for coming off as aggressive before.

It’s all good, buddy!

It’s just an imperfection in the eye’s curvature that makes some things blurry. It can be corrected with contacts, glasses, or LASIK. I wear contacts, but riding my motorcycle at night is hard because headlights flare out (I have to use yellow goggles to reduce the flare).

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by JarlOfRivia

With hdr is already very visible. This will ruin it even more. If this drops am quiting the game. This makes no sense. Dark areas r supposed to be dark. Hdr already helps even. You guys only listen to stupid youtubers

251 upvotes and tons of comments show that it’s actually something a lot of the community is interested/excited in.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by LutzEgner

You just made me rent the Big Lebowski and watch it for the thousandth time. Hope you are happy! :D

The Dude abides.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by UnsaltedAlias

I was playing Fjell today as German faction and I was already able to see some changes to visibility when I was able to see a green tinge silhouette on the allied soldiers. In addition to this threads visibility update, was there some changes made in the latest patch?

I don’t think so, but I’ll check in the morning. (10pm PDT right now).

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by freshleebaked

finally lol wonder what it looks like in game

I’m gonna work on getting an actual video of it. Stay tuned!

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Grimmjow500

Why you dont show some gameplay videos for an better example and better understanding what you change in visibility?

Because I don't have any yet. But I'm working on getting some and will share when I have them.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by ayeuniqueusername

Totally unrelated to visuals, but as a motorcycle enthusiast would you pass along the desire for motorcycles in game lol.

As a fellow motorcycle enthusiast, I wish I could upvote this 100 times.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Abrisham

Have a downvote then.

And an upvote to you!

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by getBrutal

Hmm, fair, but now they will light up? The point of camo is to look like you're the tree or wall or rock, now you'll look a lit up character model in front of a tree or rock, no?

Keep in mind this is a 2D pic. I totally understand and hear your concerns, but as the person above mentioned, it’s actually going to be more critical to have the right camo.

And I’m working to get a video of it in action so we can all see how it will play out.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by secretTuna

I remember playing flashlight tag growing up. some of the best hiding spots were the spots people wouldn't think to look. They were the shadowed corners and right on top of the mulch, in plain sight, staying still. It was fun because you could watch the people with the flashlight scouring the bushes and looking in logical hiding places just feet away, unable to find you.

My OPINION is that I will not like this lighting update, and that it will completely change the playstyle of the game towards an arcade-like shooter game.

The increased visibility decreases the value of recon and their spotting scope and flare gun tools.

The increased visibility reduces the ability of a well-executed squad strategy being able to use positioning and stealth to take objectives because your run-and-gunners will have the advantage.

Gave you an upvote for nostalgia (I played the flashlight game as a kid too). Totally understand your concerns, but let’s see how it works in game and then we can make adjustments based on feedback.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Aeternull

Community crying so much about visibility. More like L2P. Now game looks shit

The visibility changes haven't gone live yet. (As the post says, it's later this month).

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Fudged_

People glow now

Jesus christ... really?

Think of it like the Manhattan Project. Nuclear testing and all that.

I'm kidding, of course. Just wait until you actually see it live in-game. Then give the feedback.