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about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Your post/comment has been removed:

  • Memes, image macros, reaction gifs and low quality posts are usually not allowed. These are often removed without notice and not allowed on the same day that patch announcements/notes are posted.

Your post was removed based on the current rules as set forth by the subscribers of the sub:

(removed if)

  • Less than 100 upvotes in an hour

  • Less than 200 upvotes in 2 hours

  • Less than 300 upvotes in 3 hours

  • Less than 400 upvotes at any time after 4 hours

  • Less than 40 comments at any time after 4 hours

If you feel this was a mistake, please contact the moderators by clicking here.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by MLG_AntiTurkeyBacon

Maybe the mods hate my dogelore BFV memes?

Based on the lack of upvotes, it appears the subscribers do.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by Valdien

It got 176 upvotes in 2 hours, i'd say it's pretty good, and it would probably be a lot higher now if it hadn't been deleted

We know what kind of low-effort memes you guys try to filter with those rules but I don't think this one fell into that category to begin with

176 falls short, not by a lot, but it does.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by Valdien

The way you apply that rule is kinda weird though

By the time this comment was made

This low effort meme is 4 hours old and has 11 upvotes and has not been deleted

This reaction gif is 8 hours old and has 18 upvotes and has not been deleted

This low effort meme is 8 hours old and has 18 upvotes and has not been deleted

Why did you feel like removing this particular one that was clearly more successful and way more high effort than the other ones ? Kinda fishy in reality.

It's not weird. We have lives outside of Reddit. Sometimes we're around and catch them earlier. But feel free to continue to analyze our actions.

Just like 8 hours ago I was around to respond, but then logged off and didn't respond to you again until now.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by MLG_AntiTurkeyBacon

My previous one didn’t meat the upvote mark either, yet it’s still around (and hit 1.5k total) but ok

See. Sometimes we're around and sometimes we're not.

about 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by Valdien

As everyone yes, but it still is unfair as IMO this post isn't low effort to begin with, plus it took me like 2 minutes to find the other posts.

I have seen a lot of other lazy low effort memes in this sub that truly deserved to get axed but remained.

This post would be sitting at 1.5k upvotes now if not more had it not been deleted.

I am truly wondering why you guys decided to act on those rules now.

We've acted on these rules since the subs birth. Sometimes we are overwhelmed with the amount of content and can't get to it all. The last 2 weeks, due to ttk and spotting changes, has seen a 350% increase in traffic and posts. Sometimes its hard to manage all of that additional traffic, especially when we volunteer to do this outside of our daily jobs and lives.