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over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

You might like to hear that I am planning to look into all "far spawns" (spawns that will be used if the flag is contested). I can't promise anything since I haven't done anything yet, but we are thinking about bringing those "far spawns" closer to the flag. This isn't just for Hamada, but for all maps. Having that said, it's still really important to us that flag spawns are as safe as they can be. BFV has the lowest flag-spawn kill rate in a long time (anyone remembering BF3 spawns directly on the contested point? 😅) , but we might have taken that safety approach maybe a bit too far. This results in spawning people further away than they would like to, but of course no one wants to spawn on a flag and die within 2 seconds. Nor do people want to get killed by enemies spawning directly behind their back. So we have to find the right balance here. While spawning players closer to the flag is easy in the city part of Hamada, it's way more complicated in the more open flags. Same goes for open maps like Panzerstorm and the outer Arras points.

Keep the feedback coming. We are listening. ❤️

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by angrylawyer

A large part of development was spent creating a hyper intelligent AI that can determine where you want to go, and then spawn you as far away from that place as possible.

I don't want to ruin the joke, but maybe aome here are actually interested in how it works.

It's a combination of many different variables and rules, but the most simple ones are: - if the flag os contested, the player spawns on a spawn point outside of the capture area - if an enemy is within 40-50m (don't remember the exact distance) of a spawn point, the spawn point gets disabled and the system looks for a safe/enabled spawn point - there is also a line of sight check happening that can disable a spawn - each teams flag spawn points are placed within a 180 degree radius on the side of their HQ to add some consistency, orientation help and predictability for contesters - if the flag is not contested, the player will always spawn in the capture area

Hope I didn't forget anything. This basically explains a bit why you sometimes spawn further away. If enemies are close, we rather want to spawn you safe, but as described in the other post of mine in this thread, I am going to reevaluate that and see where we went a bit too far. :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by Caomhannach

Ken, no offence, but Grind’s a totally different beast on this matter, If I’m correct I have a recording from my PS4 where with Grind on Narvik, I was pinned by some crates as the enemy team had taken B and was sniping my area, and lo and behold the enemies who were dying, went to spawn on B, but instead spawned right infront of me, and I mean ‘one-hit kill back to me melee range’ infront.

I mean, yes, I got nine kills with my Fire Axe in rapid succession as a result, so I am scum, but it’s not their fault for spawning there, and they probably got infuriated with consistent spawn kills. However, I was literally ontop of a spawn point in that scenario yet they still spawned there.

If you want, I can try to find the clip and upload it, so it’s understandable how unfair the spawning system is on Grind. If you don’t want me to upload it because of the chance people will use it to get spawn kills, or because there’s some reasoning behind the lack of spawn protection in Grind. Then please do tell.

You are right. Due to the size of Grind I had to reduce the spawn safety check to 20m on some flags and even that wouldn't guarantee safety. Especially on Narvik and Twisted Steel. Nothing I am particular happy with, but the size and playercount of that experience required some exceptions. Sometimes there are just not enough places to spawn people.

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by qlimaxmito

  • if the flag os contested, the player spawns on a spawn point outside of the capture area

This rule isn't always respected, for example the other day on Hamada Conquest, playing as Allies, the enemy was attacking A so a few teammates and I deployed on it, but the game spawned us on the flag, ~60m directly in front of an enemy tank that was parked just inside the flag capture area. Even if the tank was actually just outside, there was still other enemies on the flag so I'm sure it was contested; otherwise we wouldn't have spawned there en masse.

Image for reference: https://puu.sh/DiDHN/f5939829bf.jpg
My position is about where it spawned us (twice in a row for me) and the half-track is about where the enemy tank was, happily firing away at us.

I also remember having it happen on another map (minus the spawnkill) but I can't remember exactly which.

Out of curiosity, does the game figure out by itself which spawn points are inside a flag, or is it up to the level designer to tag them accordingly?

Yeah, the "contested" is a thing that works "most of the time". It just uses the range check. So if a spawn point is within the capture area it's most likely also blocked. Hamada tho has massive capture areas which only makes it work part of the times. Probably something I should look at for consistency reasons.

As for how the spawns inside the capture area work:

We use 3 different priorities. The "close spawns" on inside the area are highest priority. The second priority is used by the spawns outside the flag. The third and lowest priority is used for awkward but extremely safe spawns. They are only used if all other points are "blocked".