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I started playing battlefield again after they fixed some issues that I had with the game as a whole (we all know what most where, not going to get into that now). I am level 20 with the support class, but still dont have level 8 guns unlocked. Where do i go to get this fixed? I am leveling the rest of the classes and all the guns opened (for the low levels that where not open) after I leveled one level. Any help would be awesome! Thanks in advance folks. I'm on PS4 handle is Vex-Frinj

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Test-Fire

The bren and one other, if I'm not mistaken. Been looking on how to get them and not sure what to do. I will check out these pages for sure. Thanks for the help

Hit up EA Help at http://help.ea.com.

They can verify your account details, your class ranks, and assist with missing weapons from progression.