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over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

This is fixed in the next patch. Sorry that it took that long, but it just wasn't the highest priority.

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by layth_haythm

Please tell us that the pixelated trees are fixed too.

The pixelated trees are way more complicated to fix sadly. You can reduce it by having the default FoV. The higher the FoV, the likelier it is.

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by Nevoto

Thanks. It's been very annoying, glad to hear it will be fixed soon.
I also hope we can be able to shoot through the trees!!

This got fixed too. Not sure if it is in the next update already or right after that one.

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Yeah. All of that should be fixed in one of the upcoming patches. Look out for the patchnotes.

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by vermin1000

Thanks for the transparency. Out of curiosity, what sort of bug fixes were higher on the list?

It's all kinds of things. Not just bugfixes. A lot of the people that can fix those issues are also involved with the new maps and other content. It's really just about finding the right time. A work day is only so long. :)