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almost 6 years ago - /u/nat0lie - Direct link

Originally posted by Raptor_i81

Thin 1-2 pixels black outline to every white button/element , I don't know how a UI/UX designer at EA fail to implement such concept.

Hey! I can assure you we've experimented with a lot of different solutions, including adding an outline ;) We do have a solution to the problem but it didn't make it to the Beta, unfortunately!

I can, hopefully, share more info on the topic soon! :)

almost 6 years ago - /u/nat0lie - Direct link

Originally posted by pepperrabbit190

I need to play the beta first before I give feedback. Nathalie has been one of the more vocal devs on this reddit so do give some good feedback. If she doesn't see it here, she will most likely respond to your tweets on twitter. What I have seen so far from the alpha to the beta is excellent progress.

I'm everywhere! ;)

almost 6 years ago - /u/nat0lie - Direct link

Originally posted by Nightstalker614

Please add a black border around HUD text or at least give players the option to turn a border on. It might be fine for other maps, but trying to play Narvik it was impossible to see the HUD at times because it was plain white text against the snow.

Hey! I can assure you we've experimented with a lot of different solutions, including adding an outline ;) We do have a solution to the problem but it didn't make it to the Beta, unfortunately!

I can, hopefully, share more info on the topic soon! :)

I'm lazy, so I'll just copy/paste my answer! :D

almost 6 years ago - /u/nat0lie - Direct link

Originally posted by Fools_Requiem

The only thing I can think of that could be done that is HUD related, is giving players the option to place HUD objects where they wish. Like if they want the minimap in the lower right instead of the left.

Oh, and making the downed player icon transparent. I had issues in BF1 as a medic where I couldn't see an enemy behind the icon for a downed teammate and was killed because of it.


Since we brought back "SKIP REVIVE" the icon for a downed teammate has three states

  1. Default icon - The downed player does nothing while bleeding out
  2. Slightly larger and pulsating icon - The downed player is calling for help!
  3. Faded icon - The player is wants to skip revive

The faded icon state will not be in the Beta though (sorry about that), but the pulsating state should be there :)

Let me know what you think of it!

almost 6 years ago - /u/nat0lie - Direct link

Originally posted by gwils78

The only thing I would change with the HUD, would be putting the compass at the top.

And make the achievement badge (that massive V ) less obtrusive.

The massive V has been reduced! Didn't make the Beta build, but it's much better now! :D

almost 6 years ago - /u/nat0lie - Direct link

Originally posted by WillsBlackWilly

Don’t worry she will get absolutely slaughtered by a community of complete f**king assholes from r/battlefield so.

I'm trying to filter out the constructive feedback and ignore the rest! ;D