over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Let's dive into what is happening this week in Battlefield V!



Monday, 5/27/2019

Tuesday, 5/28/2019

Wednesday, 5/29/2019

Thursday, 5/30/2019

  • Battlefield V Chapter 3: Trial By Fire Week 10
  • Battlefield V Quality of Life Tracker Update

Friday, 5/31/2019

  • Weekly Debrief - Your one-stop destination for all the blogs, videos, and major news that happened in the week.

Notes & Addendums

  • Update on u/Braddock512- I'm still recovering from motorcycle accident. Should be back to work on Wed/Thurs. Thanks for the well-wishes. Looking forward to getting back to work as soon as possible.
External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by ToLurkorCirclejerk

Aren't you technically working right now? Is there no one to fill in while you're injured? From the sounds of it you're recovering okay, or maybe just toughing it out. I wish you a quick recovery, anyway!

Shhh. Don't tell u/F8RGE or u/PartWelsh. I'm supposed to be resting. But I got bored just re-watching every Brooklyn Nine-Nine (even though it's one of the best shows on the planet.)

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by andersonrenato2

Thursday, 5/23/2019

  • Mercury Map Release

Roads? Where we're going we don't need... roads!

Hahaha. Oops. One sec.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by ToLurkorCirclejerk

I can't remember which CM/Dev posted this recently but basically they've found that the performance issues aren't affecting everyone, but they are affecting lots of people across platforms. I would imagine that it's much harder to diagnose the problem when it's appearing sporadically in different conditions

I think I saw an email that they're working on it - just as you mentioned, it's a bit difficult to track down due to the multiple variables. u/PartWelsh is working on something to share.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by romoxlardo

"don't tell", then proceeds to tag them xD I hope you get well soon man, thanks for your time

Ben has some sort of CIA tracking on my online status. He knew I was online before I even signed into my laptop.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by AnotherNitG

Is there going to be a download for Thursday or is the map release just on your end? Just wanna know because my internet is pretty slow so I want to plan any downloads ahead of time

We just flip a switch and you’ll be good to go.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by AnotherNitG

Cool thanks for the quick response. Get well soon man

Working on it! (I have Deadpool genes. I’m already off the crutches and the road rash is healing up pretty quick.)

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by MungDaalChowder

You got in a motorcycle accident? Hope you get well soon, LA motorists suck.

Yeah. I can’t go into a ton of details til it’s all settled, but I can say cagers taking a left into oncoming traffic suck. Lol

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Javipflores

U/braddock512 hey man hope youre well. Btw how is Black Bess recovering? Shes been forgotten by everyone here

She's banged up, but she's a tank. Just need to get my repair torch and get her back to 100%. Hopefully should get her in and out of the mechanic by this weekend and be back on the road in time for EA PLAY. I'm doing better. Able to walk without crutches and the big patch of road rash on my right forearm (not the Battlefield tattoo arm) is already starting to heal.

Thanks for asking!

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Hysterecles

Still haven't fixed company coins issues. Fix your broken game.

If you'd like to share some details on what you're experiencing, that would be great. If you need help, reach out to EA Help at http://help.ea.com.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by BrokenAshes

/u/Braddock512 Level 49 to 50 bug still exists in post-game lobby :(

I noticed that today as well. I've sent an email to the Dev team to get the QoL Updated (probably tomorrow) that will include this. Thanks.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Hysterecles

We had this conversation already 2 months ago, and you never responded after my reply. From what I've read on here, that's not uncommon from you though. No accrual of company coins since December. Cant upgrade vehicles, kits, anything.

Daily coins were all I got before I said screw this after getting killed repeatedly by players who were able to fully upgrade kits, then pay to get coins was introduced and that was the final straw. I feel it was never planned to back pay players the coins owed, just decided they could pay for coins now.

The only way the link you provided will help me and others at this point is if it takes me to a site for a refund. Persistent gaming or not, the amount of issues EA releases games with is mind boggling.

You're in the business of experiences, and you're royally screwing the pooch for a good portion of your consumer base in this department. Maybe instead of fixing the game you need to fix yourselves.

The Company Coin accrual issue was fixed months ago. Now, if you have contacted an advisor, provide me the case number as I don’t know your exact account information. If there’s a specific issue with your account, I’d escalate it to our QA dev team.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Braddock512

The Company Coin accrual issue was fixed months ago. Now, if you have contacted an advisor, provide me the case number as I don’t know your exact account information. If there’s a specific issue with your account, I’d escalate it to our QA dev team.

Looking at your comments, it seems you started reaching out a month ago (according to the timestamp on your reddit comments).

For reference, we announced the fix on January 25, 2019 here on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/ajj57m/company_coin_fix_retroactive_awards_are_live/

If you weren't Max Rank before the issue was resolved, you didn't get back coins. From Jan 25th forward, the issue has been resolved. However, there has been an End of Round screen issue that displays the wrong information, but we've confirmed on multiple accounts (testing accounts, QA accounts, personal accounts, and community accounts) that coin accrual is correct.

If there is an issue with your account specifically - as we're not seeing this widespread like the Max Rank Company Coin accrual issue that was resolved back in January, I would need one of two things:

  • Any and all case numbers for cases you've opened with EA Help
  • Information: Platform you play on and your Gamertag/PSN ID/Origin ID.

Until you provide that information, there's not much I can do, so please do provide it so I can have someone confirm there is an issue or provide more details that I can share with you.

Thanks and have a good day.