After reading about the leaked picture of an unknown map called "Provence" and its origin I got curious and went on a journey through the Battlefield game files.
In this posting I want to share some info I found about the upcoming Battle Royale mode called "Firestorm". Everything in here is based on hard data present in any BFV client (I'll show a lot of code "snippets" later on and everyone of them is directly connected to Firestorm), but this doesn't mean we will see everything right of the start. E.g. I've found fleshed out code entries about an LFG option for Combined Arms and yet we know it is not available to players.
Please be aware that I've only little experience in Battle Royale games (played maybe three rounds of Apex, saw some Fortnite gameplay on Twitch and PUBG lies on my steam pile of shame) and therefore maybe misinterpret some data.
If you have additional ideas about some code snippets - feel free to share them in the comments! And be aware: it looks like it is going to be a "classic" approach to the Battle Royale genre so don't expect to be blown away by the following lines and data. Let's get started...
Battlefield Firestorm
"Do whatever it takes to survive. Compete solo or in a team to be the last one standing in a vast and dangerous world. Scavenge for supplies, outrun the Firestorm, and fight your way to victory."
General info and game mode start
- three variants: solo, duo (2 player teams), squad (4 player teams) with a player maximum of 64 per match
- typical Battlefield classes will be present / choosable (snippet: ui/shared/widgets/classinforenderwidget)
- code shows signs of an LFG system and "backfilling" entries
- will have a separate ranking system
- will (probably) occur in Tides of War - at least the code for a connection is already there
- takes place in Norway (snippet: "/sparta/casablanca/royale/dk_norway-bd00e4f9.png" - also the level name itself contains the word "norway")
- you parachute from a plane into the war zone (snippet: Paradrop_Exit)
- your hud will show an altimeter during the free fall / flight (snippet: ui/ingame/hud/widgets/parachutealtimeter)
- if you get shot by an enemy you enter a "downed" state where you can crawl (but probably not fight) (snippet: DownedState_Crawl_LEFT_3)
- there are various hints to a 3rd person camera angle but they are always tacked to the parachute start or when you get downed / killed
- you have an inventory where you can store loot you find (snippet: UI/Ingame/Hud/Minimap/Inventroy - btw the typo is directly taken from the code)
- loot has four types of "rarity" (snippet: ui/rarityselection; UI/s/HUD/Loot/RarityOne, UI/s/HUD/Loot/RarityTwo, ...)
- you can find better backpacks (three tiers) to extend your inventory
- the map features safes that can be opened (this will be tracked in your stats) (snippet: safesOpened: w(t.royale.safesOpened, 0))
- there are dynamic objectives on the map which you can capture (e.g. "resupply points" as mentioned later)
- dynamic objectives may also be connected to "lockups" / "vehicle breakouts" mentioned in the code (snippet: w(t.royale.vehicleBreakoutsOpened, 0))
- weapons will categorized in tiers (1-4 can be found, 0 may be some kind of start equipment)
- the HUD can feature six types of ammo: LMG, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, SMG and Sniper (snippet: ui/images/hud/ammo/ammo_lmg)
Weapon Specializations (probably not complete, just the snippets):
- Meta/SpecTree/Primary__Bayonet
- Meta/SpecTree/Primary__Bipod
- Meta/SpecTree/Primary__DetachableMag
- Meta/SpecTree/Primary__ExtendedMag
- Meta/SpecTree/Primary__FastBullets
- Meta/SpecTree/Primary__HeavyLoad
- Meta/SpecTree/Primary__IncendiBullets
- Meta/SpecTree/Primary__QuickADS
- Meta/SpecTree/Primary__Slug
Healing and Armor
- you can find / use bandages and medic bags (small and large) (snippet: s/Meta/Gadget/Medical_Supplies_smallmedpack)
- healing probably takes some time (snippet: MedicBag_Apply_Sequence)
- there are three named tiers of armor vests (snippet: UI/Textures/Icons/HudArmourVestTier1, ...)
- there is a kind of special "armor plate" without any tiers (sounds like very strong armor loot?) (snippet: UI/Textures/Icons/HudArmourPlate)
- various HUD elements give away that vehicles use fuel as a resource and therefore can't be used without limits (probably for balancing) (snippet: ingame/hud/widgets/fuel; gameplay/schematicchannels/sc_vehiclefuel)
- you can get vehicles by opening "vehicle breakouts" (probably the stronger ones...tanks?)
- the tiger and the valentine are (until now) the only tanks I could find with a direct connection to Firestorm
- other vehicles: "Halftracknomag", "Kubelwagen", "Kettenkra", "MH101ctor" (snippet: LaVEH_Halftracknomag)
- one interesting air vehicle snippet: "/Core/Vehicles/Air/VEH_plantuka_AI" - could be an AI controlled Stuka (plane + stuka = plantuka?) as a reinforcement
There is a number of "blue prints" for other vehicles (could be found by opening safes? I don't know...):
- Helicopter (yep!)
- StaffCar
- SportsCar
- Schimmwagon
- PickUpTruck
- Tractor (probably the famous "MH101ctor" mentioned above and seen in the mini teaser)
- you can unlock and call in reinforcements (snippet: /gameplay/reinforcements/reinforcement_unlocks)
- the following are present:
- Artillery Strike (snippet: Meta/Reinforcements/ArtilleryStrike)
- Vehicle (snippet: Meta/Reinforcements/r_vehicle)
- Danger Zone (any ideas?) (snippet: Meta/Reinforcements/r_dangerzone)
- Supply Drop (snippet: Meta/Reinforcements/r_supplydrop)
- Strafing Run (maybe done by the AI controlled Stuka mentioned above) (snippet: Meta/Reinforcements/r_strafingrun)
- V1 Rocket (snippet: Meta/Reinforcements/r_v1rocket)
Personal profile:
- "soloWins"
- "duoWins"
- "squadWins"
- "totalDowns"
- "totalKills"
- "meleeKills"
- "totalTimePlayed"
- "totalRevives"
- "totalHeadshots"
- "optionalObjectivesCompleted"
- "safesOpened"
- "supplyDropsOpened"
- "vehicleBreakoutsOpened"
- "sulisObjectivesTaken"
- "vehiclesDestroyed"
- "totalTanksDestroyed"
- "totalVehicleKills"
- "roadkills"
- "vehicleWeaponKills"
- "averageKillsPerGame"
End of round:
- damage
- downs
- gadgetKills
- headshots
- healingDone
- kills
- meleeKills
- optionalObjectivesCompleted
- resupplyPointsCaptured
- revives
- roadkills
- safesOpened
- supplyDropsOpened
- tanksDestroyed
- timePlayed
- vehicleBreakoutsOpened
- vehicleKills
- vehicleWeaponKills
- vehiclesDestroyed
Comparion screen:
- "score"
- "kills"
- "playersDowned"
- "longestHeadshot"
- "teamKills"
- "squadRevives"
- "timesRevived"
That's what I've got up until now. Thanks for your time and have a nice day!
External link →