over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Afternoon folks,

We have a new patch rolling out to you tomorrow morning (Tuesday 4th June - UTC).

This patch is targeted at a few small fixes that didn't make it into the previous update.

Unlike our recent updates, we're going to have a 1 Hour Downtime, per platform during this weeks update. This will happen in sequence alongside the deployment of each patch and will allow us to ensure our Servers are in good order.

  • PC will go offline for approximately one hour at 0800 UTC
  • PS4 will go offline for approximately one hour at 0900 UTC
  • Xbox One for approximately one hour at 1000 UTC

So what's in the update? The full Patch notes from Jaqub and the team are below, but with this update we've been able to achieve the following:

  • We've fixed the APCR Specialisation for the Boys AT. It wasn't working properly when used against Tanks and you should see that this has been rectified when the update goes live. (Thanks to everyone who reported this - /u/LOLRememberarbitur was the first thread we caught on this one)
  • The Tromboncino's progress was inadvertently tied to the Commando Carbine when it debuted, and those folks who had already progressed to a certain level with the Commando Carbine were finding that they couldn't set, or reset their specialisations. Fixed that. (Thanks to @DLVittorio on Twitter for flagging this alongside others)
  • Three Firestorm fixes. We've now made it so that if some cheeky beggar quits whilst downed, their loot will now drop, rather than exit the server with them. We've also fixed Platform 9 and ¾ in the Firestorm Hanger - folks will no longer be able to exploit the geometry and reach the map earlier (big thanks for everyone's patience whilst we stamped that out). Parachute draw distance has also been improved on the drop, so you should have less problems identifying how many are dropping with you
  • We also believe that we've reduced the instances of crashing in Spectator Mode

Something that we wasn't able to work into this update was a resolution to the Stuttering issues encountered by Players. I chatted with the teams about this last week, and our Engineers believe that they're making good progress on the problem. We'll have more updates about this the instant that we can provide them. For now we just wanted to ensure that you understood that we view this as a High Priority for us to fix, but will not be addressed as a part of Update #5.

Freeman // @PartWelsh


Hey Battlefield V players, and welcome to this service update.

This is a smaller update that fixes a few high priority issues, and adds content for the upcoming Tides of War missions whilst we get to work on the next update.

Thank you for playing and see you on the Battlefield!

Jaqub Ajmal

Producer, Battlefield V

Twitter: @jaqubajmal

Weapons, Gadgets, and Specializations

  • Fixed an issue with a Boys AT Rifle Specialization which would cause it to do an incorrect amount of damage.

UI/HUD/Options/Assignments/Other changes

  • Fixed an issue which made it impossible to reset Specializations.
  • Players should now properly get the assignments tied to weapon progression. Previously, players could run into issues where they were not awarded properly.
  • Firestorm - Players that leave the server will now drop their inventory on the ground.

Maps & Modes

  • Firestorm - Fixed an exploit that would let players land on the map earlier than other players.
  • Firestorm - Increased the draw distance of other players’ parachutes, making it easier to see where they’re heading from longer distances.


  • Improved stability of Spectator mode.

Player feedback

As always, we value your input, and we want you to reach out to us with feedback. For general feedback, please use our Battlefield V section on the Battlefield forums.

Should you encounter any issues or bugs we recommend that you report them on our Battlefield V – Answers HQ forum.

You can also reach out to our Battlefield multiplayer producer David Sirland and Battlefield LIVE producer Jaqub Ajmal on Twitter if you have any further topics that you would like us to write about in future blog posts.

You can reach them on Twitter @tiggr_ and @jaqubajmal. Also, you can reach Jaqub on Weibo: @jaqub.

As always, we hope to see you on the battlefield and we look forward to the journey that Battlefield V will take us on through the Tides of War!

David Sirland and Jaqub Ajmal, on behalf of the teams at EA and DICE.

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over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by bluntsandroses

Plane sound fix? Its f**king terrible!!

It's frustrating. We're working on this one too. I've asked the team to come back to me with an idea of when we might expect this one to get solved. Hopefully it's sooner than later.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by hici2033


What about the plane sounds?

And what about the UI showing the wrong amount of damage dealt which was supposedly fixed in the last update?

Commented above regarding Planes - regarding the damage numbers this ones got us back to the drawing board. We saw the fix working in testing but not the public build so we're trying to figure out what's preventing it from occurring.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by bedrospear

Good that the performance issues are being worked on. Seems to be the worst on 64p conquest on normal ps4, miss frontlines because it was a good 32 player mode 😥

It's back this week, for a week. Mercury only, in a rotation with Domination and TDM.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by GhostWokiee

I mean it stopped working for alot of us on PC a week ago

There was some stuff we were able to do Server side to limit it, but we needed a client patch to fully stamp it out. We're expecting that this time it's gone for good.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by MartianGeneral

Something that we wasn't able to work into this update was a resolution to the Stuttering issues encountered by Players. I chatted with the teams about this last week, and our Engineers believe that they're making good progress on the problem. We'll have more updates about this the instant that we can provide them. For now we just wanted to ensure that you understood that we view this as a High Priority for us to fix, but will not be addressed as a part of Update #5.

It's not just the stuttering, but rather the lower performance across the board. The game frequently dips or lingers around the 55-60fps mark and it gets worse during intense situations. It's been happening since the Grind patch in April. Up until that patch, I'd easily stay above 80fps on a mixture of high-medium-low settings but now I can't even reliably stay above 60fps even if I turn the settings all the way down to low on 720p!

This is also something we have a team of folks looking at. I sat down with Jaqub and he told me that we're trying to figure out why some are getting hit harder than others. Soon as we have more concrete stuff to talk about, we'll look to bring you a more detailed look at that one.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by JY226

We've now made it so that if some cheeky beggar quits whilst downed, their loot will now drop, rather than exit the server with them. That is perfect, but will the downer player get his/her kill count also? or just down count?

Not sure, will ask.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by domi1998

When are the trailers coming for chapter 4 and marita ?

/u/braddock512 will likely have those details in the weekly brief. I need to get on a Plane to get to LA soon!

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by marmite22

I like this. I think the game would be better served by little and often updates like this rather than huge sweeping changes. It feels like there is far less likely to be be bugs if you change a small amount at a time and smaller waits for fixes to any bugs that do come through.

We do around 3-4 patches a month presently, usually with one of them being a larger content drop. I'd say we're getting pretty good at it now, and for sure we can always do better.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by kameradhund

it should be against the law that dice is allowed to use the term SOON..

Not wrong, but other than me pulling out a Thesaurus and just swapping the word for increasingly more obscure alternatives, the only other option is to stay radio silent until we can point at the fix. This would end up being pretty limiting for everyone so where it's needed, it'll still get used.

(We will put another dollar in the jar though)

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by mithbroster

I hope you’ve seen the response to it’s removal and realized that it needs to be back permanently. It was a mistake to disable it.

We weren't blind to that sentiment going into the change, we experienced the same thing with Duo.

We couldn't sustain it alongside the other modes and needed to do reduce how many modes were available as quickmatch options. None of the decisions would have been popular so we targeted the modes that we ourselves were least happy with, and proved least popular. We didn't make the decision blind to the fact that for those who played, it was the thing they enjoyed most.

Frontlines will rotate back in, and we're looking to make some gameplay tweaks to improve the mode. Long term, it'll feature as a rotational mode though we're presently exploring other ways to bring it back that don't increase the number of quickmatching options.

over 5 years ago - /u/tek0011 - Direct link

Originally posted by Exa2552

Please pass this on:

It's not only planes, it happens to stationary weapons, too. Sometimes the firing sound will play in an endless loop even though no one is near the stationary weapon (e.g. machine gun near E flag in Hamada).

Good point. Forgot that happened to me. You can fix it by going up to a stationary weapon, sitting in it, and then exiting.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by mithbroster

Thanks for the response.

I totally see that you guys feel that there are too many modes running parallel to eachother, and I think that’s a valid concern. However, as you recognized, frontlines (and really the 32p objective based modes overall) were the favorites of some of us. Frontlines was the main reason that myself and the group that I play with played the game. We are all finding ourselves much less interested in playing the game now (and this is a group of folks who have been playing BF together since Battlefield 2 and 2142).

Has there been any consideration to running a week or two trial of a playlist that is TDM/Dom/Frontlines/Rush? It could be called ‘small modes playlist’ or something and IMO it would be a good compromise to let all the modes be played all the time without adding additional playlists.

This is presently what we're considering trialling.We're open to the idea of putting all 32 player modes into one playlist, we're just trying to figure out what would work best in terms of rotation.

  • 1 Giant playlist of all 32 Player modes, all maps, running 1 rotation of the mode and it's maps before moving onto the next mode?
  • 1 playlist of all 32 player modes, popular maps, running 1 rotation of the mode and maps before moving onto the next mode?
  • 1 playlist of all 32 player modes, all maps and modes shuffled?
  • 1 playlist of all 32 player modes, some maps, all shuffled?
  • 1 playlist of some 32 player modes, popular maps, running 1 rotation of the mode and maps before moving onto the next mode?
  • 1 playlist of some 32 player modes, all maps and modes shuffled?
  • 1 playlist of some 32 player modes, some maps, all shuffled?
over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by MANPAD

Is it a technological issue to have that many modes in the game? Or just that it dilutes matchmaking?

I'm just wondering because it seems arbitrary to many people that you'd be removing modes from the game. As in, what's the harm in having it.

It's not a technological limitation, it just doesn't make sense to have x persons spread out waiting behind 20 or so different doors. Our servers only appear in the server browser when enough people are queued (assuming available spots aren't present on existing servers). We no longer just leave empty servers up and waiting for people to join like with Battlefield 1 and previous titles.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by marmite22

Agreed! Sorry if my comment came across as criticism! I was trying to say I like what you are doing! Hopefully there is a patch for the plane sound bug coming soon!

Wasn't taken that way at all. Appreciate the sentiment of the message all the same <3

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by twistedjester

Any update on if any other mode is getting a Tides of War Chapter XP cap increase since Frontlines is now going to be a rotational mode? Seems like you made an allusion to something here but you never followed up, unless you were mistakenly talking about promotions when the people you were replying to were explicitly talking about Tides of War XP, not career XP.


I was talking Career Rank, vs. Tides of War Rank - apologies for the confusion.

In regards to Frontlines and Domination being the highest earners for Chapter Rank, I asked the team about this whilst I was in Stockholm last week. Both modes showed as being in the top 3, but Conquest was, and always has been #1 earner for Chapter XP. 4th I think is Breakthrough, which was very close behind Domination.

I've been told not to expect any changes to the earn rates to account for Frontlines and Domination becoming rotational modes. I can only volunteer that the change wasn't done with this as an intended consequence.

The team will monitor week on week average Chapter Rank XP earning and if they observe that it's gone down, we'll consider tweaking things. The present belief is that it won't lead to any negative downturn.

over 5 years ago - /u/PartWelsh - Direct link

Originally posted by DecentPlate

Is it possible to do the shuffled playlist but with the voting mechanic like in bf1 to vote for a map out of two choices? Also you guys are awesome thank you for all the hard work I love battlefield!

Voting mechanics require dev time to implement. It might well be a very smart solution to the problem but getting that on the table and into the process could take time.

Not opposed to it at all, would just be most interested to solve with something short term whilst that got explored.