over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Secure the M91/28 Medic class Bolt-Action Carbine in a new Weekly Storyline that features Squad Conquest, Combined Arms, and Firestorm.

This week's Tides of War Chapter 3 Storyline focuses on Squad Conquest, Combined Arms, and Firestorm.

Complete this Week's Storyline and you'll be rewarded with the M91/28 Tromboncino, a Medic Class Bolt-Action Carbine with a grenade launcher.

M91/28 Tromboncino

Let’s look at the tasks. Remember that the exact mission requirements can be found in game in the Tides of War menu.

Teamwork - 4,500 Chapter XP
As a squad earn 12500 score in Multiplayer or Combined Arms.

Breakfast - 4.500 Chapter XP
Kill 20 enemies in Combined Arms.

Pit Crew - 10,000 Chapter XP
As a squad repair vehicles for 500 health in Multiplayer.

Friends in High Places - 4,500 Chapter XP
As a squad call in 3 Reinforcements in Combined Arms.

Mutual Support - 10,000 Chapter XP
As a squad revive squadmates 20 times in Multiplayer or Combined Arms.

Complex Logistics - 10,000 Chapter XP
As a Squad spend 50000 Requisition points in Multiplayer.

Day Trip - 4,500 Chapter XP
Play 2 Combined Arms missions on Fjell 652.

Conquerors - 10,000 Chapter XP
As a squad, achieve 8 objective captures in Multiplayer.

Grand Tour - 10,000 Chapter XP
Win 4 missions in Combined Arms.

Fire Team - 4,500 Chapter XP
As a squad kill 30 enemies using Primary Weapons or Stationary Weapons in Multiplayer.

Float Like Butterflies - 25,000 Chapter XP
As a squad deal 7500 damage in Multiplayer or Combined Arms.

(OPTIONAL) Sting Like a Bee - 10000 Chapter XP
Deal 250 damage to vehicles using the grenade launcher of the M28 Tromboncino carbine in Multiplayer or Combined Arms.


– Braddock512

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by BleedingUranium

Wait wait, does this start today or tomorrow? I was going to finish this week's when I got home from work…

Tomorrow. You have time to finish this week’s.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by BleedingUranium

Oh good, I was pretty sure it was Thursdays, but had a moment of panic when I saw this post. Thanks Braddock!

For sure! Pro-tip: This Week in Battlefield V post has the weekly calendar, so you’ll know when things start up.

Good luck on completing your nodes!

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by mrpopopuffs

Are you aware of the M26 taking on the rank of the Comando Carbine?

Was added to the BFV Quality of Life tracker yesterday:

Tromboncino is unlocked but is already ranked up to same level as Commando Carbine, meaning Assignments and skins are unable to be unlocked.

Platforms Affected: All

Status: We’ve resolved the main issue and are looking at how to address those folks who missed out on early rank skins/assignments for the Tromboncino.


over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by jonasbotcher

I literally installed Battlefield 4 days ago and therefore I haven't been able to get some of the guns... Is there any way I can get them now?? Or am I just f**ked for life

Can you be more specific? You should be able to unlock weapons via progression while playing BF4.

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by jonasbotcher

I'm sorry I meant Battlefield V. I am talking about the fire trial weapons like the AT Boys rifle or the commando carabine...

They should be available for purchase via your Company tab in the main menu, under the correct soldier class they are for (Check Recon for the Boys AT Rifle, for example, when you go to your loadout, REPLACE WEAPON. Scroll down.)

over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by jonasbotcher

Thanks for helping my dumb ass I am so blind I couldn't find it... sorry for wasting your time <3

Don't even worry about it. Glad to help out, bud.