TLDR: Company coin being used for specializations dissuades players from utilizing new content. Specializations should be free and should only require experience with whatever particular weapon or vehicle is being specialized.
I’ve been of this opinion since the game launched and I understand why they did it (to force you to buy those sweet boins), but I didn’t realize the full ramifications of the decision until after this recent update that added new planes, tanks, and weapons all requiring CC to use competitively. Initially I was excited for the new content, however as I’ve been playing I’ve realized I’m not even using most of the new stuff because I have nowhere near enough CC to actually specialize them. At this point I’ve accepted that I’m just never going to use any of the new vehicles and perhaps only a few of the new weapons. I am literally avoiding new content like the plague because I know it is in my best interest to stick to guns and vehicles I’ve been using since launch for the simple fact I no longer have to spend CC on them. This is an incredibly stupid system for something that has been implemented with no issue in previous battlefields, and which battlefield’s primary competitor is handling far better. This problem is only exacerbated by the changes DICE have made to how you earn company coin. To my knowledge the only way to earn CC now is leveling up (which becomes harder and harder as you play) or doing daily challenges (which only grant a measly 300 CC per day). I don’t count the timed challenges or whatever since players shouldn’t have to build their schedule around a f*cking video game, but I even if you do count them it’s only like 1000 CC per week. It’s probably too late for this kind of feedback and EA would probably veto any attempt by DICE that could potentially harm microtransactions sales, but if DICE or EA want to actually do something that makes people enjoy their game and not see it as a chore they could do 2 things. Implement a new currency only for specializations and leave CC and boins for cosmetics only, or simply remove the CC requirement for specializations. If either of these were implemented it would also be nice to see a refund for the tens of thousands of CC players have already spent.
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