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over 5 years ago - /u/manimal_prime - Direct link

Originally posted by palamosteliaro

Another try showing active servers right now, midday in Europe, since late night numbers are not “accurate” according to some people.

24 active servers on BFV (10 of which are for the Mercury map and wouldn’t normally be there)

19 active servers on BF1

20+ Active servers on BF4 (too messy to count) I even used true player plugin to be fair, because the in game browser shows about 70 full servers which is not true. The red/green numbers are the true ones.

Combine this with the removal of Duos in Firestorm, Domination and Frontlines and reach your own conclusions. Its not a player count, it’s an active players comparison between BFV and older games. You can see it as the success of older titles, if seeing it as failure of BFV makes you salty.

I did this video again, unlisted, no thumbnail so I won’t be accused of clickbait. I am clearly showing all the filters used (in the advanced filters) so DannyonPC won’t say I used the wrong filters. 1 single uncut video, exact same filters on all games, same time and date. The same filters I am using for years in battlefield games, the same filters which gave me triple the results when BFV was released.

If someone disagrees with my methodology, please feel free to tell me what I am doing wrong IN SPECIFIC or how I am being unfair. Not general "I am using the wrong filters" You can make your own video demonstrating different results, or if you are in no position to make the video, guide me and I will make it for you. I was attacked on my previous attempts by people getting instant upvotes (somehow) burying the topic. I will keep making videos and posting them here until they stop.

Thanks to everyone who supported me.

What I am not understanding is, what is the point of this? What are you trying to prove here??

We all know that the player base is smaller than it was at launch, no one disputes that so what are you trying to argue here?

over 5 years ago - /u/manimal_prime - Direct link

Originally posted by palamosteliaro

I am trying to prove that we are being lied to from DICE/EA and "game changers" and it needs to stop for the good of the game. Westie talking about "millions of players logging in bfv every week" and DICE/EA removing game modes because they (the game modes) are not popular enough (and not the game itself)

Smaller player base since launch is not a concern, it always happened with battlefield games. Player numbers of a 6 month old game that reach the ones of 2,5 and 5,5 year old games is a concern though.

That's why we need to realize that player base is dropping dramatically compared to previous titles and force DICE/EA to publicly admit they indeed see the numbers dropping and they are doing something about it.

Not vague "coming soon" stuff. Actual numbers and release dates of maps, weapons, skins etc. Commitment in the form of:

X large conquest maps + X weapons + X skins to be released until the end of 2019. Not the rumored competitive game modes with their own small maps just to tick the box "we released more maps"

If they can't commit, it means they are not in position to deliver actual content for the game. If they are not in that position, they failed as developer/publisher and the game will die soon. Player numbers only go down when more bugs appear and the content delivery is thin.

Players appreciate honesty from the developers and publishers. Desperate moves (removing game modes, forbidding 3d party player count tracking) are transparent and not fooling anyone. Players will stand by the developer/publisher and support the game (presence and micro-transactions) if they admit they made mistakes and did not meet expectations, while promising to deliver what players actually want, not what they THINK they want (conquest maps, not time limited game-modes for example)

Players can see through the "cocky" attitude pretending everything is fine and all the "coming soon" announcements. Just read the comments on every Westie video. This cocky tactic works only when you actually deliver, but in 6 months BFV has 10 maps in total. The amount of maps bf4 released with, and bf1 had in 2 months after release. Less weapons and skins than any battlefield game had in 6 months after release. More bugs and worse netcode than battlefield 1 had on release, with more introduced on every patch.

EA/DICE are in no position to be cocky at this point. They need to apologize to the community, acknowledge the many mistakes they made, put their heads down and work to deliver before its too late.

Ok, to what end though? I don't believe DICE is lying about the player base at all but let's say they were and you uncovered this plot. What is your end goal? To prove DICE is lying? What good does that do?? Make people not want to play this BF or any other BF again? Ok..Well, I think the game play will dictate that much more than anything else but I might be wrong.

Also, to say they aren't working is disingenuous. They have made some blunders with the launch and the handling of the Tides of War for sure, but to say they aren't working I don't believe is fair. If anything you are going to start to see a lot more progress on the shift in their deployment of ToW assets here very shortly. It takes months to design and test maps and features from beginning to end. Just the fact that have announced RSP and the Level Cap changes weeks before they're being implemented shows that they are indeed working and it takes a while to get features in games like this properly implemented. It also shows a shift in the philosophy of how DICE has their CMs announce changes and upcoming features in the game.

I get that you're upset about certain aspects of the game, I just think your characterization of this situation is all wrong. Yes we lack maps, yes we lack proper community tools like RSP, Stats Tracking or Clan/Platoon management, yes certain classes/weapons in game are incredibly unbalanced. But I disagree with the notion that DICE is lying or not working on BF V. DICE in my mind missed the mark but misjudging what this community wanted and by not solidly committed to one idea of what BF V was going to be.

over 5 years ago - /u/manimal_prime - Direct link

Originally posted by palamosteliaro

You are asking me - an individual - what good will do to the game if I prove that EA/DICE are lying to the community will do to the game:

It could make DICE/EA publicly admit that the game is in a bad place right now, forcing them to commit with specific content and delivery dates, instead of giving vague info and cutting out game modes to hide the thinning player-base. Realizing they need to work hard and fast would give the game more content sooner, instead of "Guys chill. No rush to deliver anything asap. Our PR guys and game changers keep the players under control with hopes"

Since you are supporting them, can I ask you same question reversed? What good lying to the community will do to the game? Keeping in mind that being vague, is still lying, because each player believes whatever they are hoping for, even if its not true.

Giving false hope that the "unknown content" that is "coming soon" will be whatever each individual wants and will be delivered before they get bored of the game?

Mentioning that "there are more maps in development than ever have been in Battlefield history" but hide the fact that most of them will most probably be small maps for the new 5v5 mode rumored?

Cutting game modes to give the false impression that players still enjoy the game instead of slowly abandoning from boredom/bug rage? Making players think that it must be my own "taste's" fault that I don't enjoy a buggy game with lack of content and I should give it another chance?

Give false impression about patches fixing bugs when every release introduces new? I have made a list with actual bugs in January here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/I-made-an-ACTUAL-bug-issues-list-In-just-2-days/td-p/7352356 most of them are still in the game (or others introduced and not mentioned)

Hide the fact that promised features got cancelled? Body dragging, "crazy" limps and cosmetics

What good all these things will do to the game? Drive a few desperate micro transactions or sales? That is not helping the game, that is helping EA squeeze a little bit of money little before killing the game.

Here is what needs to happen.

The "coming soon" model needs to end and an official roadmap should be released in the form of:

Conquest large map named "______" will be released on x/x/2019 - Weapon "_____" will released on x/x/2019 - Elite Skin "____" will be released on x/x/2019

If there will be 5 new conquest maps until the end of the year + a new weapon and skin every week we will finally be delivered with the minimum content we are owed based on past titles. If you believe i am being unreasonable, I can remind you that 15 maps is still less than what bf1 had in 1 year.

Even if there is the ability to deliver only 1 map by the end of the year and 1/4 of the weapons I claim we are owed, the commitment to that would be far more appreciated than giving false hope for content. If you can manage to squeeze something extra, its always appreciated. Surprise content is always welcome and makes players happy. Expecting content (because of vague promises) and getting nothing makes players mad.

DICE should calculate the minimum amount of content they can deliver until the end of the year, assuming they will be working half the time they plan to, and commit to that with a road-map which should be released ASAP. If they don't even manage to deliver that, it means there is something seriously wrong in the studio and its really not about the game or EA. Phrases like "you can't predict development", "you cant set deadlines", "you can't commit to deliver content and/or fix bugs" are just excuses we have been hearing from DICE since ...ever. There are many developers who are capable of doing all these things while constantly providing content: Blizzard, Epic, Rockstar, Valve, CD Projekt Red even Ubisoft. That means they are doing something right and/or DICE is doing something wrong. Now its their job to find what these things are, shape up, or accept their failure and close shop.

Well, good luck with all that. I hope you get what you're looking for ....I guess.