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As someone who has completed almost all of the medic and support guns I have no issue in the assignments being made more viable to players who aren't as good/more casual.

Also the assignments for the newest weapons added are much better and are a step forward (apart from the odd wording of some) and show that there are much more viable assignments which will actually test your skill unlike the objective based ones which are heavily dependent on the other team and not your own skill. As proof of this I managed to get the commando carbine in gold and I personally don't like that gun at all but at least I could get the satisfaction of finishing its assignments.

I cant imagine it would be that hard to make the switch for the assignments to the new design or have a return to a more universal option for the later ones so players are not restricted to a round or life.

As a someone who likes to complete everything that can be done progression wise it pains me that some assignments for entire weapon classes are nearly impossible due to poor design, mainly semi autos, SLRs and bolt actions. So having these massive voids in my classes even tho I can easily top the leaderboard with these guns shows the lack luster design in the old assignments.

Overall I think I speak for a majority of the more dedicated player base who are still frustrated after all this time since launch with the design of assignments and would love to see a change to them. And if player retention is one of your main priorities I think its in your best interest to keep the dedicated players grinding something that doesn't make them stroke out because their skill only takes them so far.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Punkstyler

/u/braddock512 : We had an discussion about assigments month ago. Is there any conclusions, any decision to make it easier?

Hey Punkstyler - I've had some discussions but nothing to share at this time. Some of the challenges of the Assignments are meant to be hard. That being said, we also don't want you to have to rely on luck.