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At first, when I heard the UK servers were going down and we'd all be on the Germany ones I didn't think too much of it, Germany isn't that far away is it? Since then I haven't been able to find a game without the high latency icon in the corner, occasionally I even get thrown into what I can only assume are American servers as the ping shows up as '180'.

When Firestorm came out I fell in love, the gunplay was great without any of the sci-fi silliness that was in Blackout.

I think it says a lot that the servers were only shut down after Firestorm had launched.

This game has a huge problem with TTD and 'super bullets' killing in 1-3 frames, even if you have 300hp.

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over 5 years ago - /u/tiggr - Direct link

Video Witt netgraph on? Would help loads

over 5 years ago - /u/tiggr - Direct link

Originally posted by schietdammer

Does it need to be a video? My pc takes screenshots constantly and automatically and last 7days I get put on eastcoast USA SOLO firestorm servers as an European pc player from the Netherlands around 50% of the time. "Traffic jam" day for bf V on pc is on a Sunday in Europe and even then I sometimes get put on east US servers. Here this Sunday 19.00 my time (CET = paris / Amsterdam time) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Anbs4-O7K_T8g5x6DgkcopGQJgUplQ?e=LEiZ9o It is with netgraph I mean server instance. P.s. I have "options > gameplay > advanced > network performance stats" set to this : SHOW ON PROBLEMS. So I see immediately when I get put on an US server when I see this bar show up. Personally I think it is done on purpose and I can live with it. I think they did it to help fill US servers where there are just less players then in Europe or else firestorm will be dead there. But you guys need to be quick because even this trick will wear out soon. And by quick I mean make it also available as a FREE2play stand alone. This firestorm is way too good to let die. And personally only then I will start buying skins because i hate the base game. And find firestorm the best battle royale of them all. Do it after you patched the loot at dead bodies that is confirmed worked upon, then you will get a very very good start. Don't do it(F2p) before that is patched because that is for most the biggest issue.

Last Friday (31 may) a friend of mine who is not on pc bought the game on xb1 (I told him firestorm is da bomb) , this Sunday during the daytime - so not a crazy night time playing time - he tried firestorm solo. He said after 2 games he just left it. The waiting time is longer then the playtime. I know he is a new player so you get killed quickly then BUT he said waiting was like 10 minutes each time. And that is on xb1 on a Sunday afternoon in the EU. Make it F2P.

Yeah video With the netgraph shows what is going wrong and in what order. o it's preferable and much much better of a tool.

over 5 years ago - /u/tiggr - Direct link

Originally posted by Fieryhotsauce

Here is some footage with the netgraph info on. You can see the yellow latency symbol is there constantly and it is for every game I play now.

What region are you playing in?