almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Our global teams on all franchises continue to work to keep games going, per EA Update on the Coronavirus Situation. Below is the calendar for the week.

(This is the current schedule for this week. Please note, items could shift, be added, or be moved around, so check back daily for updates on the calendar, links, etc.)

Monday, March 23, 2020

  • This Week in Battlefield V - An overview of this week's news, blogs, content, and more. As items are added or shifted, this will be updated. Keep an eye on it through the week for redirect links! 
  • DICE Friends Nominations Closed

Tuesday, March 24, 2020 

  • #OnlyinBattlefieldV Moments of the Week - Hot new OIB moments coming in with a new weekly winner! Think you’ve got a winner? Send it our way on any of the Battlefield channels. Each weekly featured clip will be awarded a Best Community in the World emblem!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020

  • Chapter 6: Week 8 Mission Begins
  • The Pacific War Playlist will remain throughout Chapter 6.
  • BCIW & EA PLAY 2019 Emblem Giveaways  - We'll be posting a few hundred codes on Reddit and Forums (each) throughout the day for you to grab. Link. Good luck! 

Friday, March 27, 2020


  • Battlefield V In Pictures Screenshot Contest starts on Saturday, March 28th, 2020. RULES
External link →
almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Ferretwranglerbrady

Do you know anything about distance haze yet?

Mentioned last week, but will share what was posted last week:

Hi! Lighting artist here. I don't think there is any easy way of disabling/toning down the atmospherical haze in the distance without losing layering visibility and visual quality. There are no plans to changing it and we would have to customize each individual level for it to work.

Currently not in scope.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by ItsTritium

Hey Braddock! Just wondering if you ever heard back from the team about the distance haze issue. I know you said you were gonna email them about it last week.

Also wash ya hands boy

Yep. Posted this from one of our Lighting Artists last week:

Hi! Lighting artist here. I don't think there is any easy way of disabling/toning down the atmospherical haze in the distance without losing layering visibility and visual quality. There are no plans to changing it and we would have to customize each individual level for it to work. That is outside our current scope.

Stay safe and healthy. And 6 feet away.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by SolidPrysm

Anything you are allowed to say regarding the datamined vehicles and charms?

No, as it’s not officially announced. We don’t engage with rumors or datamined stuff - reason being is some things may be left in the code that are scoped out.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by QQboby

10/10 live service.

Apologies. There’s a global pandemic going on and the teams are adjusting to working from home to stay healthy. Appreciate your patience. Stay safe.

(And before anyone assumes the worst, I genuinely do empathize with disappointment and frustration. Trust me: no one wants to be working from home. Our teams are doing everything they can to keep our games - and this goes for the whole games industry - up and running, adding new things, etc. Stuff happens, unfortunately, and I will say I’m really impressed with how quickly EA has transitioned thousands of global employees to work from home so we all can still play games and support our titles.)

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Holdwich

Braddock, Can you ask the team about disabling elites from being "cross-faction"? There is a whole clan that have resorted to using Norman on the pacific, because of his uniform being a similar tone to those of the japanese, Leading to visibility issues.

The last time I asked about “locking Elites” it was pretty much a “no”. If folks are using it to gain an advantage/impact visibility, I can definitely call that out to the team.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by veekay45

Serious question: my company is doing home office too now but the work flow/amount hasn't changed one bit.
Dice says not to expect much from them while the virus thing lasts, but isn't everyone working with laptops/virtual desktops anyway? Why should it slow down?

Anyway hoping for at least some info on the plans going forward. More Pacific? Normandy? Eastern Front?
Feels empty not having anything confirmed or announced going forward

Tbh, no devs I know at DICE LA or DICE Stockholm build games on laptops. And taking DevKits (PS4 or Xbox One) home requires a lot of security - mainly due to requirements from our 1st party partners.

I don't know what your job is, so I'm not going to assume it's easier/harder to work from home. Unless your company also builds games on a proprietary engine, it's not a fair comparison.

Plus, connecting everyone from their personal home internet - not being physically connected to our intranet - can create challenges (if their ISP goes down, bandwidth, etc. And most people can't afford to have T1/T3 lines in their homes, so uploading new builds is slowed just due to network traffic.)

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Mazzaglia

Why does two questions regarding distance haze get answered but none of the informations questions asked? I understand that you cannot say what's to come, but any information about IF you have plans to give some kind of information for the future of the game?

Because I had information about the distance haze question and was able to answer it.

We had planned on have information about the next update this week, but unfortunately, due to extenuating circumstances, the dev team is re-analyzing how we'll roll out the next update and what will be in it - and when. I don't have any other information to share at this time.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by dordoka

Do you really compile the builds LOCALLY?

I don't know ALL the details, but from the conversations I've seen in Slack over the years, it seems the devs are all connected to a hub (probably the wrong word, forgive my ignorance) and they apply changes to the build by uploading various fixes, tweaks, changelists, etc.

The whole process is something I'm very interested in learning about as there's tons of dependencies on when and what they upload to main build. Once it's done/locked, then a "candidate" for the update is determined and then created. That's tested - and if it passes - it gets sent on to our 1st party partners for approvals and that's how it gets deployed.
(I'm sure it's a lot more complicated and detailed than my very rudementary understanding/explanation).

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Updated OP with OIB Moments of the Week Link.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020 

  • #OnlyinBattlefieldV Moments of the Week - Hot new OIB moments coming in with a new weekly winner! Think you’ve got a winner? Send it our way on any of the Battlefield channels. Each weekly featured clip will be awarded a Best Community in the World emblem!
almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by PintsizedPint

Oh there was a DICE Friend nomination again? I would have nominated bf-refugee again for his committment to a community service (more Community Friend than DICE friend) in form of the EXP Tracker posts on this reddit. Great person.

Shoot me a PM with info.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Updated calendar with the following:

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by veekay45

u/Braddock512 Do you know how long will the tank skins bundle stay? Getting 75k CC is near impossible now that we don't get any CC for matches, only for leveling up (which also takes ages)

I’ll check and push to have it stick around for a while. Will let you know what they say.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by red-xavier

Hi Braddock, Are there any plans to revise the colours used for the British and Germans? They all look very washed out to me, and I think it's really just a matter of making them a bit more vivid. Would perhaps also help with the troop identification.

No details I can share today, but there have been discussions about this internally. When we do have some info to share - one way or the other - we'll let you know.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Braddock512

I’ll check and push to have it stick around for a while. Will let you know what they say.

Just confirmed with the team that the intention is to have it "evergreen", meaning it will stick around. And they're going to add more.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Phroggo

Have there been recent discussions about this? Since this is something that people have been requesting since the game's release, were these discussions earlier or more recent and relevant? Sorry for pestering, but I'm just a bit curious.

There have been discussions on and off for months. These recent discussions had more direction, but nothing locked ... just yet.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by Lur7z6

/u/Braddock512 can we take the fact that the next ToW week is locked as hope we still might get an update dropped next week, or has it been confirmed pushed back?

The is no update next week, unfortunately.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Added this to OP. (New contest)

  • Battlefield V In Pictures Screenshot Contest starts on Saturday, March 28th, 2020. RULES
almost 5 years ago - /u/Braddock512 - Direct link

Originally posted by veekay45

A question on eligible countries: can there be any changes or am I forever excluded from BFV screenshot contests if I am not from the select countries listed there?

It’s based on legal restrictions from those countries, such as prize amounts, etc. Where are you from?