You had a great reply. And if folks are impacting the gameplay in a negative way (and skins don’t affect gameplay) by trolling or harassing, report them.
You had a great reply. And if folks are impacting the gameplay in a negative way (and skins don’t affect gameplay) by trolling or harassing, report them.
Mr. Braddock, it really does not affect the gameplay, but as the game is set in a specific setting, congruence is important in order to fully immerse yourself in that setting. Thus when I see things like Ernst among japanese soldiers in the pacific theatre, it breaks the feeling of being on the battlefield, participating in a great battle among other soldiers. So it is really easy to understand ppl raging because BFV as well as BF1 is about gameplay + immersion, not just gameplay.
And I actually like different outfits and would gladly buy some of these for real money, but they have to be congruent to the setting. Considering how rich WW2 setting is, I think it is possible to create lots of different customization options for each faction without breaking the immersion.
I understand where you’re coming from. And if the game set out to be a historically accurate recreation of WW2, I might be inclined to agree.
However, it’s not. It’s not meant to be. At its core, Battlefield is a sandbox.
And honestly, it appears that you’re saying is your opinion over customization is more important than someone else’s fun/experience. Part of being a community is respecting and appreciating others - their style, opinion, etc. And the not reviving someone just because of a soldier customization is, in my personal opinion, weaksauce. (I mean no insult or offense. When playing BF, I don’t care what someone looks like as long as they PTFO and are good squad mates; that’s the point in the end, isn’t it?)
I’m not trying to call you out or anything. I personally don’t use Elites because I like creating my own look. But I will defend the right of everyone who wants to use them.
Braddock, would you mind elaborating on what you mean by BF being a sandbox and how that differentiates or prevents it from being a historically accurate WWII game? From where I am standing it appears BF is trying to be accurate, in theme. It isn't claiming, or trying to be a realistic FPS or a military simulator like Red Orchestra, Arma, or Squad, but it isn't Wolfenstein Sci-Fi either. In fact at no point has the game been marketed or labeled as Sci-Fi or alt history at all. On top of that we have accurate renders of WWII era weapons, we have accurate renders of WWII vehicles, we have accurate renders of real world camo patterns and liveries for our vehicles, and we have semi-accurate representations of WWII locations, not to mention historical briefing elements/background dialouges in Operations that give context to the battles we are fighting during the war.
Besides gameplay elements such as damage models and or gameplay mechanics such as reviving and squad spawning (which aren't inherently inaccurate and are necessary for Battlefield to maintain it's arcade FPS playstyle) the only thing that seems to be "unauthentic" are the character skins. Even then it seems DICE is at least making an attempt to remain grounded and believable with their recent releases of player skins (besides the Halloween Skins).
Furthermore, although no hard feelings, and I don't mean this as a personal attack towards you, I don't like how you paint people wanting historical accuracy as those that just want to limit player fun and experiences as if that is their sole intention, or as if non-historical accuracy in terms of player skins doesn't limit or interfer with the fun/experience of those that want it and are also part of the community.
Lastly, what'a the point of this being the Pacific chapter, US vs. Japan, if players can run around as German elites or Japanese soldiers in German clothing? Why go so far as to model and bring in new American and Japanese flags, vehicles, vehicle skins, characters, voice lines, weapons, and locations? And if this all about player freedom why then can't we use whatever skin or vehicle we want anywhere we want? Is that not limiting player fun and experiences too? Again, no hate, genuinely curious. Cheers, hope you have a good day.
My intention wasn't to paint with broad strokes in a negatiive way. More to the point - I'll be blunt - if someone decides to make it their goal to impede gameplay (play in an unsportsmanlike fashion, troll, abuse) because they don't like the fact that another player has an Elite skin from a different theater on, that's pretty messed up - and it may be viewed as a violation of the Terms of Service/User Agreement with re: online play (I don't know, honestly, as I'm not TOS).
This isn't a dig against everyone who wants more authenticity or historical accuracy. Not by any means at all.
I don't see how it's a tos violation, you can't force players to revive. Otherwise I'd be reported every time I don't run out to revive someone in the open. While sending the message is wrong it's a slippery slope to consider banning
If someone doesn't revive, that's whatever.
But if they go out of their way to negatively impact someone else's game, that's harassment and that is a violation. I'm not saying folks will get banned for not reviving. But if someone is harassing/trolling someone in game with malicious intent - yeah, that's not a good thing.