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over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

I think the answer to that question is rather simple. Early on we decided on how many conflicts we can create in the time given. As you can imagine WW2 had many different battles and we could only reflect few of them. We picked the ones that we felt portrait best what we wanted this game to be. Since resources are also finite we had to be smart about it. Singleplayer and Multiplayer had to share similar biomes and theaters.

I also wouldn't be too focused on those statements. Not that it's not true, but I think Panzerstorm and the Battle of Hannut (chronological before Twisted Steel and Arras) has shown that we can adjust to the wants and needs of the community. Parts of the Panzerstorm Operation are the consequence of early feedback that the vanilla map offering had to few "massive" battles. :)

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by needfx

I'm curious: do you mean that the first iterations of Panzerstorm were different from the one you released? How different was it before you took early feedback in account?

Sorry, adjusted that. I meant the Operation and the focus of that. Having that said tho Panzerstorm as every other map went through many iterations. I only got involved with the map after the initial release and worked on the adjustments we released with the patch, but I remember seeing a version of Panzerstorm where the church was where the E point is. I can't tell tho why it changed since I didn't work on the map back then.

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by needfx

I see, thanks for the reply!

I'd love it if you could show us and explain us how the maps evolve during their production times according to whatever you want to do with them and players feedback. I guess it won't be possible with BFV, but if you could do it even for older iconic maps like BF3 or BF4, that would be great. I'm really curious about game dev, but also because... well, it's just super interesting to see how things are done and that may even help people understanding your choices or maybe deal with their expectations somehow.

We can always do that if we find the time, but honestly the biggest problem is that we don't really take screenshots or WIP pictures that regularly. The process is very fluid. We build something, test it inhouse, adjust it and repeat until it's finished.

A while back we posted some WIP and behind the scenes material on the DICE twitter. You can scroll through the media posts. There are a lot of stories from all kinds of Battlefields: https://twitter.com/EA_DICE/media?lang=en

Here is an example: https://twitter.com/EA_DICE/status/1058429498650255360

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by INFsleeper

I mean you say picked the ones that reflect best what you want the game to be but then you pick Rotterdam and portray it as something it wasn't. British defending Rotterdam? All out warfare with tank in the city itself? It never happened.

First and foremost it's a game and fun gameplay is the most important metric. The battle in Rotterdam was tiny, but the transition between from this beautiful city into the devastated version was just very appealing story to tell. Another main reason was the massive requests we got during BF1 for more city maps. The Fall Gelb operation just seemed the perfect place for this. I am sorry if you disagree with our pick, but we are actually super proud of the two maps turned out.

Oh, and the factions are Axis and Allies. We don't distinguish between countries as you have seen so far.

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by ItsTritium

Wow that’s really crazy! So weird to see how different the maps were compared to how they are now.

If there is any recorded gameplay of maps from these early stages of development, would we be able to see it?

I would love to see the first versions of Rotterdam, devastation, fjell, and Twisted steel. I’ve heard that these maps have had the most changes during development.

Nope. At least not for public eye. There are many reasons for that, but either way, that decision wouldn't be up to me to make.

About the maps tho: - Narvik was always the same. - Fjell more or less stayed the same most of the time I believe. - Twisted Steel always had the massive bridge and the river, but in detail it changed a lot. The broken part was on the other side in the beginning as well. - Arras was always the same more or less. - Rotterdam was bigger once, but it wouldn't work performance wise. So it had be adjusted. - Devastation was the same for most of the time. The cinema and the library swapped places quiet early, but that's about it. - Hamada was very different at first, then got a whole overhaul early on and then stayed the same for the rest of the project. Tho the visuals were first very much like Sinai Desert. It changed to the more "white sand" style later on. - Aerodrome - I actually don't remember. :P

Keep in mind. Details, paths, cover, visuals and all of that change all the time, but the big strokes of a map normally don't change after the first month. Otherwise a map would become to unpredictable in terms of gameplay, vision or time budget.

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by Kenturrac

First and foremost it's a game and fun gameplay is the most important metric. The battle in Rotterdam was tiny, but the transition between from this beautiful city into the devastated version was just very appealing story to tell. Another main reason was the massive requests we got during BF1 for more city maps. The Fall Gelb operation just seemed the perfect place for this. I am sorry if you disagree with our pick, but we are actually super proud of the two maps turned out.

Oh, and the factions are Axis and Allies. We don't distinguish between countries as you have seen so far.

I want to clarify my last post " Oh, and the factions are Axis and Allies. We don't distinguish between countries as you have seen so far. "
This considers content that has been released so far. As you know, we don't talk about future stuff be it maps, theater, modes, cosmetics, etc unless it's officially announced. So please, never read any of the possible futures in the multiverse into that. :P

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by CastleGrey

Remember how BF1 had different factions on different maps to make them at least roughly in line with the participating belligerents IRL?

BF1 had no soldier customisation.

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by NoobStyle1451

Even if I remember correctly from couple of places such as DICE twitter, battlefield V artbook and tweets from other devs, there is too much changed. Some of them what I hear is a little dissapointed me because some old iteration concepts are far more interested me than current ones.

Such as twisted steel with a defensive line like Bf1 maps. I expected that map became perfect breakthrough map because it can be include escaut sector of maginot line, especially for that marketed as like that. It can be give map a better soul, a better connection with ww2. And can be far more interesting experience at breakthrough.

Or different lighting, different time of day at narvik.

The amount of changes listed above apply to any level in any BF game or other game that I worked on. You build something, you test and evaluate it, you change it if required. No level is perfect on the first try. No one is that good. Normal process and not specific to Battlefield.

For Twisted Steel: The main difference to the first version is the amount of vegetation. Swamps are normally not filled with trees. You can imagine the amount of sniper fire that would come from the bridge if you would remove 50% of the trees. ;)

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by resurrected_kitten

Oh, and the factions are Axis and Allies. We don't distinguish between countries as you have seen so far.

Do you mean we will never see the introduction of individual nations as their own factions?

I mean that currently in the game (I wrote "so far") we have no other representation other than Axis and Allies. As you know, you play as Allies in Rotterdam, Devastation, Panzerstorm, etc for example. In regards to the future? I don't know and/or can't tell. I am not involved with customisation nor would I talk about the future. For those kinds of information look out for official posts and news.

over 5 years ago - /u/Kenturrac - Direct link

Originally posted by _Drakesden

This is a joke. No distinguishing between countries, going for the worst possible settings for launch... I can't wait to play as an Italian solder fighting the Soviets in the Pacific, in that case.