Original Post — Direct link

Our KOD clan (Playstation) is running our annual anniversary bracket tournament. We are a Star Wars clan that has given away over $1200 to its members through our tournaments.

Our current pot is $200. The tournament is scheduled for 4/22 at 8pm Cali time. We will be streaming across Twitch and YouTube.

I believe we are one of the few squads to ever do this. Feel free to stop by if you want to hang out!


Tournament entrants:

Tito, Snake, Ninja, Assassin, Wasted, Tokyo, Purpp, Ricky, Soul, Russia, Lucid, Helix, Brando, Soil, Logic, Ren,

Alternates: Bulldawg, Luremaker, JOG-Jeff,

External link →
almost 2 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by KOD-SnakeMan

/u/f8rge even though you've all moved on, we'd love to have you guys see this game continue thriving!
