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Maps, heroes, game modes, weapons, skins? Is it so that people would still buy the original game to get that exclusive content? Or is it in the works?

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almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by generalslywalker

It’s been explained before. They can’t just copy and paste that stuff in the new game. They’re using a different engine (well version of the engine) that doesn’t work the same way. Just compare the new Jabba’s Palace to the old one. You can see a lot of work went into making new lighting and textures. Ben even said bringing an old map from the last game takes roughly 60-80% (numbers might be off its an old tweet) the time it takes to make a new map.

One thing that ties into this (beyond just the engine differences) is that each of those maps was made for a game mode that may not exist in BII, such as Walker Assault. The maps in BII were built from the ground up for GA. While GA maps can and have been adapted into maps for other modes, WA maps were built around having 1-2 walkers. Not impossible by any means, but it does affect balancing whether they're there or not, as well as overall map design.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by ShadowVia

That’s a non-response. More of a side step really.

The fact is that many of those maps were designed around smaller scale game modes such as blast and HvV. Which also happens to be reason so many people want those maps ported over. The Sarlaac Pit for instance. Carbon Freezing Chamber would be another. Beautiful maps that are wonderfully designed and would translate very well to Battlefront II.

Or the Bespin map we already brought over. It wasn't a non-response, just more context to the situation as to why some maps might be harder to bring over.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by ShadowVia

Right. And how many people are asking for ports of Walker Assault maps? You know full well that the majority of requests for ports in this subreddit are confined to smaller scale maps. Come on dude.

A vast majority of the requests are for GA/CS maps (large-scale modes).