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almost 6 years ago - /u/aeonstream - Direct link

Originally posted by CLUTCH-7

All vehicles have a weak spot. You can tell when you hit it because the hit marker is yellow like when you get a head shot. The critical systems star card for the armor class helps reduce damage taken to weak points.

The yellow hit marker doesn’t show up on GA big walkers (AT-AT, MTT, AT-M6) for some reason

Here are the weak points I know about.

AT-ST: back of crew cabin

AAT: back door panel

Tatooine land speeder: engines

little speeders/tauntaun/AT-RT: just shoot the person riding it

star ships: engines and cockpit

AT-TE: underbelly (get under there with a heavy and use your sentry. It melts them fast)

Perhaps you already know but the AAT has a second weakspot below the turret. This one (the reactor) can be shot from the sides (even sniped...)

almost 6 years ago - /u/aeonstream - Direct link

Originally posted by 13johnsond

Hey Manuel! Thanks for all your hard work. We’d love to see another hunt mode some day, as your contribution with Ewok Hunt is legendary

Hi! Thank you, I hope you are trying CS, the bots and the lightsaber changes. Very sorry about all the issues, the hotfix can't come fast enough.

almost 6 years ago - /u/aeonstream - Direct link

Originally posted by 13johnsond

I think maybe you responded to the wrong person! I’m super happy with everything haha, I was just asking about your thoughts on a new hunt mode

hehe, my bad :) late Friday fail.

Creating more "hunt" content would be exciting for sure!