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I play lots of games mainly FPS and tried this for the first time today. I must say seing this subreddit so positive and welcoming to new players is a pleasant change to what normally is posted on other subs and in game.

It definitely makes me want to play it more knowing how the player base is .

I just started steaming a bit on twitch and have like no followers but some chap came in and was so helpful it’s so nice to see.

I’m not trying to get follows it’s all good, I’m not trying to make it as a career as I have a good full time job I just do it to chat to people about games I play as have no PC friends , just wanted to say my bit.

Keep up the good vibes

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about 5 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Welcome to Battlefront II, all the best with your streaming interests this year, keep on at it!