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almost 7 years ago - /u/petervesti - Direct link

Originally posted by DasPershing

Good-morning Boss-man! I'd have to say from easiest to hardest with the condition of learning the classes unique abilities, and weapons in the game as:

  1. Heavy. (The Heavys kit is very straight forward in terms of weapons and their stat balancing. And in my opinion the same can be said for their star cards. Press E to pull out your big gun and hold the trigger down to lock down an area for a few moments. )

  2. Assault. (The Assaults kit has little bit more of a difficulty curve then because it's load out is abit more diverse in what its abilities do. Such as how you can go from a scan dart to an instant health regeneration over time. Follow that up with how the default grenade can be changed out with acid launcher that has some nice zone-control. Or Ion grenade for officer turret stacking or just an upgraded frag for an instant clear rather then control over time.

  3. Officer. (Officers kit has alot of situational awareness tied to it, such as when playing the objective on the offensive team more often then not having a squad shield over a turret can help improve the quality of life for the guy kneeling down next to the objective and actually capturing it. Or if your on the defensive team having defuser can be abit better over squad shield because most of the time your team is still trying to shoot out of the objective territory but still provides AOE protection. )

  4. Specialist ( The specialist actually requires you to take a moment to read what your abilities cards do. Such as how "Upgraded Ion grenade" sounds straight forward but it's replacement "Stinger pistol" can be extremely useful and I find to be one of the best and most under used cards in the game for galactic assault and shutting down Palp and vader quickly. And it promoted two drasticly diffrent play styles... a Melee focused build like the one you see in the picture and a more longer range build of making sure your 242 is on cool down at all times essentially while hidden)...

But! If you want my short and sweet opinion on classes that should be beaten with a nerf-bat because their weapons are abit over tuned I'd say:

  1. Officer: blurgg.. HEAD SHOTS OF DOOM.

  2. Heavy: Ion Turret.. Apparently this things shots are guided by the figure of god!

  3. Assault: As much as I'd like to say that "Vanguard" needs a nerf I dont think it does. It's really a risk reward playstyle where you have to put your self in danger to get a quick kill..because if you miss you're gonna have a long delay before you can fire again.

  4. Specialist: This class is actually fairly balanced in my opinion.. I may be contrary to common beleif but I think its actually a balanced class and it serves its roll of being a long ranger sniper well. We all ready have our heavy to cover areas for a longer duration..our assault does it's job well of rushing to the front and then holding out till heavy move up and enforce. And officers are in the rear with the gear!..er..buffs I mean. So good job dice! The specialist is balanced.

(Short personal note.. can we give the mirialan specialist some love? I think her model is great but..her hat kind'a makes her look bald.. not in the natural way but just having a shiny missing texture kinda way.. Also if ya cant tell by my layout I love my EA playtesting and I hope to hear more from you in the future! Battlefield 1 Incursions was really fun!)

Hey there. Thanks for the detailed reply!

By the way reach out to phatseejay on Twitter for ideas and comments on the skins - I don't have anything to do with that other than giving feedback like yourself :)

For me the Specialist is by far the hardest to get points with, all the other three classes are pretty easy to get into the action and shoot some people and do the objectives.

I agree with Vanguard as well it seems to be OK at the moment!