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Dice , do you understand balance?

give one hero 1000hp and 2 in redible cc abilities is not balanced Letting him 165, dmg per swing is not balanced

Giving him a knockdown passionate strike is not balanced

Why THE f*ck cant you guys properly balance him.

There countless perfect ideas especially on the battlefront forums , yet you barely nerf him AGAIN

Its f*ckin pathetic. He will still be OP and 2 months will pass with such a BROKEN hero while palpatine was instantly kill switched

GA is LITERALLY unplayable for the darkside What is this bullsh*t?

change his stats and especially his OP star carss dmg per swing and hp increase

600 BASE HP starcards epic 750 max hp

125 dmg per swing max dmg per swing 145

Passionate strike SHOULD NOT KNOCK DOWN

Heroic might needs a f*ckinn dmg cap of 200.

Anf retribution is complete BULLsh*t

Make the stun 2 sec cast time 0.3 seconds and 200 for indantry 100 for heroes

What a stupid joke honestly cant believe you still not nerfing him properly...

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almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

There's only so much we can do in a hotfix and we don't want to over-nerf him through a knee-jerk reaction. Hero balance is and always will be an ongoing thing.

almost 6 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

We'll keep going the way we are, thanks.