over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Hello there,

We have just implemented a fix to the milestone issue, and your progress should now be tallying correctly. The fix we implemented will take your total pre-patch and add it to any progress you made post-patch.

When you login, you might not see the new total straight away, if that is the case then please see the below.

Step One

Sign in to your account -> go to heroes section in career screen -> see the progression is still reset.

Step Two

Join a game (any) -> quit to main menu -> go to heroes section in career screen -> see the progression is updated with your pre-patch numbers added in.

Step Three

Depending on what the new progression number is:

A. If below 5000, play as normal until you get 5000 kills in game -> quit to frontend -> crates section -> see reward

B. If above 5000, play a game and make 1 more kill -> quit to frontend -> crates section -> see reward

C. You might need to quit and restart the client if they don’t see the reward in step a/b above.

One-Sided Lobbies

We have also fixed an issue that was causing players to join only one side.

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