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Hello everyone! We've got a couple of announcements to make.


First, we'd like to welcome three new moderators to the team! Give a warm welcome to /u/MrVernonDursley, /u/ScoutTheTrooper, and /u/FireFan454 (and please be kind while they learn the ropes). We'd also like to thank everyone who applied to help moderate the subreddit, and apologize for how long it took to pick applicants. To be frank, we asked for applicants before the announcement that updates for the game were going to be ending, and that announcement caused us to re-evaluate what would be best for this community, including whether or not we needed new mods, and how many new mods to select. Which brings me to our next announcement.


With game updates ending, and no new game on the horizon, we're going to be ramping down some of our post restrictions. The reason for a lot of our restrictions is because meme trends or karma-farming posts tend to drown out discussion-based posts that don't get as popular, but are still important to the game's and community's health. But without new game updates, we feel we can be a little more lenient about post popularity.

Please note that this roadmap is subject to change, especially if we get more info about more patches or new info about Battlefront at EA Play Live.


Remove restriction on memes, allow memes any day.
These are the most common posts we currently remove, but without anything new to discuss about the game, and fewer people playing to post clips/videos/screenshots, we expect them to become even more common. Memes will probably be the main life of the subreddit moving forward.


Remove the "Suggestion" flair, and hold a subreddit poll on removing the "Wishlist" restriction.
With no new updates/patches and no new games on the horizon, "Suggestions" are irrelevant. If users would like to discuss potential features of a potential new game, the "Discussion" flair would be appropriate.
Additionally, our wishlist rule currently covers posts such as "They should've added ... to the game". Aside from memes, these types of posts are probably the second-most common posts we remove. A poll will be held to determine if a majority of the subreddit would like us to continue to remove these kinds of posts, or to allow them. The wishlist rule was created because of a subreddit poll, it's only fitting that another poll should be held to uphold or remove the rule.

Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or general comments. As always, everything we do is done in the sake of making this community as enjoyable, non-toxic, and healthy as possible, and we hope that these changes are a step towards that.

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over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Well done for everything you continue to do for the Star Wars Community. The Force is strong with you all.

over 4 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Congratulations to the new mods, well done all.

Keep being passionate about Star Wars!
Roger, Roger.