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Not gonna name any names but this person is playing with someone who has been banned from multiple discord for spreading cheats and promoting them and is grouped up with him and when the streamer dies to anyone who shows any semblance of skill at the game he calls them a stream sniper and has his cheater friend damage hack and insta kill the whole lobby.

I should add that anytime anyone calls him out for playing with a cheater they get insta banned from chat.

He has now moved his facecam over the in game chat because the cheater he is grouped with has a cheatpack that spams the chat with advertisements on how to get the cheats on Discord.

I have been informed that he is trying to brigade this post to bury it so nobody can see it. He is also deleting any clips made of his stream to hide the fact that he is queueing with a cheater.

After having multiple accounts get banned the cheater said this in his chat


I have made sure not to include this person's name but here is a clip of him being toxic and the cheater he is queued with insta killing everyone in the lobby you can see how fast the people the cheater is shooting at die.


Update: This was the streamer's pitiful response to being called out for playing and supporting a cheater which was to be expected instantly deleted by him. This statement is flat out FALSE as in the stream his cheater friend would kill EVERYONE in the lobby even if they weren't even associated with the snipers. If team mates on the streamer's team would kill themselves to make him lose he would have his hacker friend kill EVERYONE in the lobby to make sure he wins.

" I'd like to make an announcement regarding the drama surrounding earlier posts made here. Children, are you really so pathetic that you have to throw a tantrum on here and post screenshots, videos, or flat out try to slander myself and my community? You are lucky the moderation here is weak due to the game having no support for 3 years. I would like to once again confirm and ensure the BF2 community that XXXX is NOT a hacker and will never use hacks especially on stream. I am simply grateful that there is somebody somewhere that wants to use hacks ONLY against my 100% confirmed stream snipers. Dozens of you know who you are and I'd hate to break it to you but your stream sniping days are over. Please, leave me and my community alone and get some mental help because you have a serious problem. This is a 5+ year old star wars game and you have nothing better to do than disrupt the twitch atmosphere. Speaking of atmosphere, stop wasting everyone else's oxygen. Here's my offer, I'll uninstall BF2 when you uninstall your vital organs. Get sh*t on. "


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almost 2 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by Moneyshifter

u/t0talfps please do something about this

Thanks for bringing it to our attention, I will pass this along for investigation, naturally I can't say anything more past this point.

However I would continue to encourage you to report individuals that you feel are violating the rules via the game options provided, but also the platforms you see it take place on.
