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almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by DaVintchi

I understand entirely what he’s saying but Jesus, what a stuck up & snarky way of saying it. DICE’s PR guys really need to work on this collective attitude problem they all seem to suffer from. Spiting your customers does you no favours.

Edit: Cue the torrent of downvotes from white knights desperate for developer attention.

What about it came across as snarky?

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by Smthrsd1974

then why is Dennis saying its being worked on then? Then you say it;s not. What is the truth?

"I never said we're not doing more, just not right now." No one said never. Development takes time.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by Smthrsd1974

Fair enough. Thanks for the reply. I know you were not around in 2015 Battlefront, but instant action was requested back then and even when BF2 was announced Dice said an improved Skirmish was coming. Have a great weekend. I just wanna play with my kids in a non competitive environment and have fun with more than 10 AI to go against.

I totally get it. We want that too, but if we do it, we want to do it right.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by CPTMAUGHAN

ok i think at this point its pretty widely accepted that whatever you guys do is going to take a lot longer than what the community expects( based at least for me by playing other games). does the slow development have to do with the frostbite engine being a hell hole to work with or is it a lack of manpower? or perhaps both?

p.s. i know you guys are doing all you can, and thanks for not abandoning the game, i feel like if the community knew why things were so slow that they'd maybe be a little more understanding

Neither, really. Most games simply don’t add additional PvE content. Star Wars gamers want that more than Battlefield, CoD, Halo, etc. fans because they’re often Star Wars fans first and shooter fans second. Because of that, offline content is really appealing for some epic, casual fun (not to mention those who have unreliable internet, but that’s a separate issue). PvE content just takes longer to make, though.

Edit: Edited to make more sense.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by CPTMAUGHAN

huh, ok not trying to be a jerk just legitimatley curious why does offline content take more time? and thanks for the response:)

Programming AI to be able to interact with complex objectives (especially ones that require interacting or using something like a ion launcher) takes a ton of time to get right and balance. Standing in an area and shooting things isn’t the worst, but GA and objective 2/3 for CS are trickier. Not impossible, but tricky. Most games either just have AI fight or do very simple objectives (such as campaigns for shooters or the original objectives from BII 2005 as examples).

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by damanja1

Is creating hero AI a lot harder then infantry AI? I’d reckon it’s the same thing but I don’t know anything about this, just curious.

In general, most likely. Part of programming requires you to pick when and where an ability would be used (i.e. in this situation, use this ability; if X condition is met do Y, etc.). If we made them like troopers where they don’t use most abilities, then that’s easier, but I don’t think that’s what players want. Again, not impossible, just time consuming and why it’s not something we’re currently talking about doing.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by AlleNoid

I get this but DICE can do it, you did it in the last game with Walker assault, and honestly we will be happy with just a supremacy in the current large maps, it's not as complicated as GA.

Also some shooters have PVE and even on all modes, like CoD. And you guys have even made combined arms for Battlefield V Wich BTW is better than people say it is, you're right on the BF V fans they don't appreciate PVE but I do, and I like the mode so give DICE my thanks for it , and I'm not the only one is just that PVE fans are more silent than PVP fans

Totally. I more so meant the audience size for PvE between titles.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by AlleNoid

Ok I gotta say it, you're on fire man, the other great thing that has happened to this community after u/F8RGE is you man, you're always answering our questions even when you cannot talk about it, that's awesome very much appreciated. In my eyes you're a CW heroe haha if you don't mind me saying, lol.

Haha, I really appreciate that! I want to be as transparent as possible...even if F8RGE is holding me back from being a Jedi Knight.

almost 6 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by generalslywalker

So you admit to being a Padawan?

The truth comes out.