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It's been there since launch, and I can not for the life of me get past it.

The controls for pitch, and roll are perfectly fine.

but yaw, has a problem with stick acceleration. when you move the stick left or right, there is a larger-than-normal deadzone, then once it picks up input, acceleration on the movement picks up as if you had movement right up to that point, making fine tuned movement left or right, for long range targeting, is impossible, because when you try to move the stick, the first 2 or 3 degrees of motion don't do anything, then on the 4th degree, your ship suddenly jumps as if you'd slammed the stick hard to 45

it's not a sensitivity setting. I've tried changing those, and the deadzone remains, and the sensitivity of the pitch and roll become unmanageable.

it's not the controller, it happens on all 4 I own.

it's not the install, i've uninstalled and reinstalled

it's not the xbox, i've tried on others.

it's not a general control issue either, as this doesn't happen with infantry or any other vehicle. JUST starfighters.

It would be really nice is that 2 degree deadzone in either direction was reduced to the 0.25 degree one that exists for every other direction, so we can make small aim adjustments, and turn in slow gradual motions.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Thanks. I'll bring this up to the team.