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I’m no developer, I’m not a DICE employee, I have no way to understand what goes into making this game, I am essentially nothing. What I am for sure, however, is a person who loves to play this game. And that’s why I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this update. I knew this game had something special going when they added Obi-Wan Kenobi and came back from that EA micro-transaction mess. This game kept expanding and getting better with each update. When December rolled around and they dropped the ROS update with Celebration Edition I was in heaven. Finally people who weren’t regular players were starting to come in and see that this game was great and fresh with content coming in almost every month, and with new players would come more revenue which meant that the game wouldn’t lose support. Right? When they came out with the Age of Rebellion Co-Op update around February I was so happy as OT content came much sooner than I had expected and in a few short weeks the Scarif update would come. Right? When the update was affected by the pandemic I wasn’t mad in the slightest. How could I be? I was just glad that it was still coming. So we all waited for the CT to come out in April and while we did, communication started to fall flat as we had been left without a true CM and Ben Walke filling in where he could. So when the CT for the long awaited Scarif update came out I couldn’t have been more... unsatisfied. And I can’t be the only one, Right? We’re getting Scarif, a new Maul skin, 2 hoods, a yellow lightsaber, and a recoloring of robes. It sounds like I’m downplaying the work that went into the skins, and I’m trying my best not to downplay anything, but those are my raw feelings. It all just felt so, and I hate to say it, but so weak. But when I saw this it was fine, we’d get more skins later. No. In fact, we’re never getting another skin. Content is done. This is it. What happened to 4 months ago when this game was at the best place it had ever been and there were no plans to stop supporting BF2? It’s all so abrupt. We don’t know what they’re working on now, and once Thursday, April 29th hits, we’ll be back where we were days before we got this CT, left in the dark. If it sounds like I’m being greedy, I’m not trying to be. I love this game and all I want is for it to succeed. By them stopping support on it I don’t know if it will succeed. This post was just my pure thoughts, with no malicious intent.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

I am essentially nothing.

Not to us.

almost 5 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Originally posted by IzzytheMelody

Hey Ben. I know that you don't know anything about me, and you'll never see this, but thank you for all the hard work with the community communications. And thank you to the devs who, with each update, no matter how small, made my days brighter. Especially during some personally dark times I didn't want to see through to the end, you guys provided an escape for me. And thank you all for helping everyone here through these universally hard times. While the content updates ending saddens me, I'm going to cherish every line of code thats been written. Thank you, all of you.

Hey /u/IzzytheMelody, on behalf of everyone on the team - thank you for playing and being a part of this community. It really does mean the world to us.

We're glad the game could play a part in helping you through some dark times. Hoping everything is all ok and maybe those days are a lot brighter for you now. Wishing you all the best.