Original Post — Direct link

Seeing the new changes in the patch to heroes, I decided to expand upon my original thread and try to maybe get more of an actual list compiled over time with responses from the community for the devs to look at. Comment below on what you feel is missing/most important needed to be fixed (I'll add/remove new suggestions to the post in italics) and if you have feedback on what's already posted (if you don't agree, we can go back and forth to find a reasonable compromise where the majority are content).


  • Aim-drift on consoles.
  • Server lag that has been persistent recently causing teleporting.
  • Objective UI opacity/scale options.
  • Lightsaber and blaster given separate sensitivities.
  • Limit infiltrators to 4 per side.
  • Reduce ARC trooper clip size. Too easy currently to spam and still have enough shots left over before overheating. (Seems to be addressed in the latest patch)
  • Maybe reduce Officer health to 100 or 125 to reduce their effectiveness a little? Currently really easy to get both BP and kills (SE-44C mod combo). I'd personally also maybe remove Bounty Hunter for all classes.
  • Increase payout from Capital Supremacy.
  • Give default weapons mods to unlock so they can be viable to use.
  • Reduce AT-ST anti-rocket damage against heroes. Not sure if I'm insanely unlucky or if there is some sort of minor lock on, but I get consistently hit. Haven't used the rocket ability a lot myself, but recall the explosion radius isn't that big?
  • Might be a bit unrealistic, but have Criterion to temporarily return to tweak ground vehicle controls? Or maybe just anyone at DiCE that could take a look at adjusting. PC controls are currently are not good at all.
  • Port the old emotes from BF1? Particularly for Han, Lando, Leia, Boba (Vader as well though his would need to be re-recorded since his BF1 voice/filter was way off).
  • Toggle-able for existing skins (would even work for Leia's upcoming skin).
  • Every lightsaber hero should have Anakin's dodge recovery time (shortest delay between regaining control).
  • Adjust how force jumps work. You should glide like currently but only if you are holding jump, otherwise falling the same speed as blaster hero. Grievous shouldn't "float" at all and should have more acceleration and mass to his jumping (goes up and down faster since he is a heavy cyborg).
  • Instead of being unable to attack when out of stamina with a lightsaber, swing much slower (taking longer for damage to land) and unable to lunge?
  • Since devs have said they are looking at a parry mechanic (tricky to implement due to latency), they should also rework Anakin's Passionate Strike and give all lightsaber heroes a "heavy attack" that breaks blocks while using a lot more stamina. The game already has unique animations when attacking and holding sprint compared to just attacking, so maybe they could use that as a base? Would work similar to games like Assassin's Creed Odyssey (holding Shift on PC would do a heavy attack).
  • Slight rework of hero blaster dodging? Travel a bit further in distance but recharge rate slower? This way a single roll can get you further away from a lightsaber.



  • Should cost 8,000 on OT maps.
  • Change his increase health card to an increased health regen.
  • Heroic Might reworked (since people in GA will probably always end up shooting him, resulting in easy room wipes). Max range is decreased overall and now the damage done to him only increases it's range. Damage now works like Repulse/Charge Slam with it having an epicenter of max damage near Anakin (base damage of 75-100 with a max damage of 200; damage outside of epicenter being 75 with a max of 100? This way even if you are hit by Heroic Might, it will just push you away; maybe the more damage is done to Anakin while charging it, it increases pushback like Luke's card?). Reduce damage reduction to 50% so you can't just use it to save yourself and absorb damage when cornered. Saw a post on the Battlefront forums where someone mentioned that using Heroic Might could use up a percentage of the charge on Retribution so this way you couldn't spam both.
  • Increase cooldown for both Heroic Might and Pull Dominance by a few seconds (compare Kylo's pull cooldown) and reduce the default damage of Pull Dominance to 100 or 75.
  • Retribution should only charge on damage to you since it is too easy to camp choke points and gain easy charge (increase the amount to charge it overall as well, should be more of a rare event to see). Should also have a longer cast time (comparable to Luke's current Repulse) with some sort of visual or audio cue (like an orbital strike warning) and reduce it's damage (can be more similar to a Kylo freeze ultimate that is used more to hold enemies in place for the team to shoot instead of primarily doing damage?).


  • Change his HoK from just ground slam to any kill like other cards.
  • Have the ground slam animation faster (like what they did with Luke's rush and Rey's\Obi's mind trick this patch), since without the immunity card he's vulnerable for too long.
  • Change his stun grenade into a variant of the assault's thermal grenade? Shouldn't be as annoying as wookie warrior thermal imploder spam. Stun is pretty useless without cards in GA for example.


  • Same as with Chewie, Luke's repulse animation should start and finish faster. Currently he holds his hand in the air for like two seconds before doing actual damage and then taking too long to stand back up. They could add minor damage reduction similar to Kylo's frenzy to offset the lengthy animation and buff damage slightly by perhaps 15-20.
  • Rush damage increase (120 total? Should do more damage than a base attack)


  • Defensive rush final swing should have the same animation tweak from above and should be able to be dodged out of quicker.
  • Can't be knocked out of All-Out Push like the new Unrelenting Advance changes?


  • Leia can manually deactivate her shield like officers.
  • Leia's stun grenade also restricts movement like the original officer flash grenade to give it more use?


  • Exposing Weakness animation finishes faster like Duelist.
  • Bug where dodging while Duelist is activated cancels the new ability animations (hand positioning).


  • Maul's lightsaber throw is slightly magnetized if you throw close enough (similar to how Leia's homing shot locks on).
  • Maul has less blocking stamina against blasters like Grievous.


  • Rebind Boba's jetpack to the jump button, since if you stand still and activate it he basically jumps anyway, swapping the old trigger for a scope zoom (center dot reticle). Wouldn't work for consoles as they wouldn't be able to move the stick or aim. I still feel Boba needs a zoom though. Any ideas for a solution?
  • Boba's jetpack overall should have less focus on acceleration and more focus on hover capability (compared to how jetpacks handled in the original Battlefront games)? I don't remember exactly how his jetpack handled at release, but I read some people asking for those original values to be reimplemented.


  • Thrust Surge activates and gives back control a little quicker. Maybe also usable in the air?
  • Unrelenting Advance altered so it's easier to control? Instead of limiting the camera like in Rey's dash, leave it how it always but able to freely move (strafe and move forward at the same time instead of one direction and with left and right movement controlling the camera)? Also had an idea that if you press sprint while it's active, he sprints forward for a short time while his ability depletes really quickly?
  • Arcade bug where troopers aren't knocked down by Claw Rush.


  • Keep Iden's secondary fire damage the same if you aren't blocking with a lightsaber, but reduce it if you are (like what they did with Chewbacca's bowcaster) with maybe exhausting more of a chunk of stamina?
  • Fix Droid Recharge stun card bug where it cools down too quick.


  • Focused Rage does 150 damage and gives unlimited stamina for the duration.
  • Base health either increased to 850 or his bonus health card gives +200 at purple for a total of 1,000.
  • Force Choke has 90% damage reduction but can now be rolled through like other force powers.


  • Bring back Palpatine's block from BF1 as the left trigger but with very weak stamina (like Grievous against blasters and can't block lightsabers like Yoda's original block) and leaving lightning just for the right trigger used primarily as a defense against getting knocked off maps (since new players don't even realize you have to press both triggers anyway).


  • Maybe change the HoK card like Chewie but might make her annoying due to so many damage reduction and health buff cards she has.
  • Maybe overhaul her droid turret to function more like an officer turret (or Engineer from TF2) and focus less on stunning.
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almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Just so we're all on the same page, we not asking for (and don't really need) lists. In fact, I imagine that if this sort of thing becomes more commonly done, it could lead to toxic behaviour when "top community requests" aren't immediately addressed (as it has on other titles in the past). We want to use the Community Request tag as a way to recognize things our player are bringing up to us in feedback and bug reports, not as a platform to glorify wishlists and such. Make sense? Your heart is totally in the right place, but just about all of these are things we're aware of or tracking in some way rather than things the community, specifically, brought to our attention.