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Hello everyone, and welcome to this week's bug report and tech support thread!

This thread is for any and all issues you may have with the game, be it the game's fault or your machine's fault. When describing your issue, please include as many details as possible, including your platform, when you first noticed the issue, steps to reproduce the issue, and any photographic or video evidence of the issue you might have.


Platform: PC

Problem: Starting Battlefront II causes the lights in my house to flicker.

First noticed the issue: August 29, 2018 (Elite Corps Update)  

Steps to reproduce:  Turn on lights in house, open Origin, double click Battlefront II.  Lights immediately start flickering.

Evidence: https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/WeePoisedIrishdraughthorse

Please keep in mind that we do not work for DICE, so we cannot guarantee that posting bugs here will get them noticed by DICE or EA staff members, or that they will be fixed anytime soon. We recommend that you also post any bugs you find at EA Answers HQ, as issues posted there have a greater likelihood of being noticed and logged by EA staff.

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about 5 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by XNinjaMushroomX

Platform: PC

Issue: CTD upon lauching match

First noticed: Jan/12/2020

I have been away from the game for a while, so when I went to launch the game from Origin, I had to update the game to the most recent version. This has never been an issue for me before.

I have tried launching on multiple graphics settings, as well as online and offline. This is an issue even when loading Campaign, or other Single player modes.

Upon launching the game, the game loads to the menu. Where I can do everything except launch or load into a match.

A fix I found suggested deleting the "GstRender.ShadowQuality" line from the "ProfileOptions_Profile" file, from the Games documents folder. As well as deleting the entire Star Wars Battlefront 2 documents folder. Both of these solutions had no effect on the issue.

Any advice or a solution is much appreciated.

Hey there, this feels like something has gone wrong with the update - have you tried reinstalling both origin and the game?

Personally wouldn't suggest you delete entire game folders, but actually uninstall the game and program via your program list and try that.

Also ensure that you have an upto date driver for your graphics card, if these don't work I'd suggest you contact EA Help for further assistance.

about 5 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by obsessed_with_1212

Platform: Xbox One X

Problem: I get into a match of any gamemode alone or with a friend like normal. Everything works. When I die and spawn back in my character is invisible and I can’t move or shoot. The only thing I can do is move the camera over my shoulder. I’m completely defenseless if I spawn in the open. After about 10 to 15 seconds I’ll see my character appear and everything works like it’s supposed to. This continues every time I die afterwards. Another issue I have noticed is an incredibly long load time between matches. If I’m playing with a friend, they would already be in the match while I’m still loading in. If I choose to back out I’m stuck waiting on the screen with all the helmets. I’ve been on that screen for 10 minutes once. I decide to close the game and try again but at some point I always encounter this.

First noticed the issue: Around the release of Rise of the Skywalker movie, December 20-23, 2019. I’ve had these issues since I’ve downloaded the game.

Steps to reproduce: After a few matches this happens. There’s nothing I do that triggers it. It is completely random but it happens every time I play.

Evidence: I will edit this post with pictures and videos.https://i.imgur.com/WbtBAjD.jpg https://imgur.com/gallery/Uj76ry1

This sounds like you may be running into latency/ping issues where you're not sending enough data to the servers so it isn't relaying things fully. Have you ensured that your ports are open?

You can find out about that here; https://help.ea.com/en-gb/help/faq/opening-tcp-or-udp-ports-for-connection-issues/

I'd also suggest at the extreme end you try reinstalling the game but ultimately you should contact EA Help for more assistance.

about 5 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by Saiaxs

Platform: PS4 Pro

Problem: the fast respawn timer event isn’t working despite it being time for it, spawning takes the regular amount of time

First noticed: January 12th, 2pm

Steps to reproduce: play any online mode

Edit: apparently it’s bugged and only applying to CS

Fast Respawn rules only applies to certain modes. It depends what mode you was trying to play it on.

about 5 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by AnAwesomeKiwi

Platform: PS4 and Xbox One

Problem: Vehicles' camera (tanks, speeders and fighters) is a mess in CS and GA

Steps to reproduce: hop into a vehicle and move

Forwarded through to the team.

about 5 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by DJ31259

I have experienced a lot of stuttering on the PC version of Battlefront II after the PC Blackscreen Hotfix for the TROS Update came out. My game would run fine with no problems but ever since that update, there has been a lot of stuttering. To stop the stuttering, the only thing I can do is restart my game until it starts stuttering again which at that point I would have to restart the game again which can get annoying. Could you please forward this to the team? Thanks

Edit: Forgot to mention, I talked to some other people and they said they had the exact same issue after that update

Could you send me a DM of this sort of thing happening to you?

All the best,

about 5 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by sam8404

I've asked you at least four or five times now if you can get co-op added to fast spawn but you ignore it every time.

Thanks for downvoting me guys! That's very constructive! /s

This is something that I read about constantly, but I am in no position to say a definitive for or against it. I do continue to send through the feedback whenever I can, but that is as much as I can do, sorry.

Co-op (and Instant Action) are still fairly new modes, and we'll continue to take in as much feedback as we can around them.