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Currently the game is damn near unplayable on Xbox. Searching for a game can take ages and when you do find a game, it's a mostly empty lobbies. Full games are now near impossible to find. Even if you do find one, the lag is so horrendous that it completely hinders the game and makes you almost immediately quit. You can't even change your ping site now. It's been greyed out meaning you're unable to change it whatsoever. Mine was set to Germany but after checking today it's greyed out at default with "0ms". DICE please do something to fix this, Xbox has been suffering with server issues since day one. But the current state is so awful it's forcing a lot of people away from the game. I really hope /u/F8RGE or /u/EA_Charlemagne see this and know how bad the situation is on Xbox so it can be resolved quickly.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Working on it. I believe we just alleviated the issue (at least for most people).

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by ___hello_there___

Do you guys have any idea what's up with the aim drifting on Xbox One?

I checked around and I'm not the only one experiencing it.
