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almost 7 years ago - /u/petervesti - Direct link

Originally posted by TheSold3y

I think the first and second phase are fine right now.

The third phase is basically impossible to win as first order trying to take the west objective. Ive played Jakku countless times and we maybe managed to win two times out of 50? There are a few ideas i had while playing the map.

  • Maybe move the spaws for the Resistance further back so the FO actually has a chance of taking the objective

  • or open up the main entrance to the West objective a little more so FO snipers can aim at the resistances catwalks from below (right now its a very one-sided angle)

  • or take away sniper positions on the catwalks for the resistance or block off vision / make it harder for them to snipe everyone whos contesting the objective

  • move the first order spaws more in the centre where the second phase happens (around the ties).. right now they spawn heavily in favor of taking the east objective

Speaking of the east Objective - it always falls first in the third phase and within seconds. Possibly because of the close FO spaws... I'd recommend making the west objective easier to take and the east one harder... possibly moving the capture zones around so the Resistance has better angles to defend from above? Or simply adjust FO spaws so they are not favored into one of the directions.

Yea some good suggestions, however we already moved the defender spawns back a lot compared to launch. Will take a look and try to address some things as soon as I have time :)

almost 7 years ago - /u/petervesti - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

The third phase is really crucial here. The objective on the left (as seen from the attacking POV) is unbelieveably hard to take. I believe there hasnt been a single game that went past phase three. I think the FO needs another entry point to the objective thats more safe. Right now they can easily be farmed off in the meatgrinder / chokepoints. Another flaking route would enhance the experience IMO.

Speaking of meatgrinders- a lot of the BF2 maps have these chokepoint / meatgrinder designs (Kamino first and fourth phase as other examples or the first and last phases on Endor) which is really frustrating a lot of the time.. hoping for some more open and non-streamlined experiences in the future :)

FYI Currently phase 3 is 50/50 which is not good for balance at all since there's 4 phases in the map. Win rate for attackers is around 30% which obviously is not ideal.

We are looking into some changes for these kinds of scenarios.

Overall some choke points are designed and work as intended, others are frustrating and quite annoying. We are doing some things to try and make the bad ones better, please stay tuned.