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At the request of Charlemagne, I am making a thread to compile a list of ideas of what is wrong with the AT-RT and what needs to be changed about it.

When you look at the other 3 Armor class vehicles in the game, you see things that are dedicated to breaking crowded objectives and are able to clear out multiple enemies with firepower and explosive abilities. AT-STs dominate OT and ST maps, and the AAT, while not as mobile, is a terrifying enemy on PT maps. These vehicles often require teamwork and special weapons to take down. The AT-RT, however, is just a joke that can be taken out by a regular trooper from all ranges.

The AT-RT is a much smaller vehicle than the others in its own class. It can get into areas and points that tanks and AT-STs cannot. It makes sense that it should have a smaller health pool and more exposed weak point, but this would only make sense if it had the firepower and objective clearing abilities as the other armor classes.

One could look at the AT-RT and see it as a counter to the dark side armor classes, and then its speed and small size would make more sense. But this still does not excuse its pitiful damage and lack of offensive abilities. If it was meant to take out enemy vehicles instead of troopers, it still does a very poor job.

The main issues with the AT-RT are these:

  • It overheats before it can kill anything with over 200 health. Sometimes you need to switch to the ion shot to finish off troopers before they run away.
  • It's better to let it overheat, as it cools down faster than if it didn't.
  • It needs to be so pinpoint accurate that an enemy can dodge the bullets by just moving slightly to the side. This is accentuated by the fact that it seems to have no splash damage outside of the ion shot.
  • It lacks explosives, which every other Armor has.
  • Its repair ability is basically useless because everyone just shoots the trooper anyway.
  • It can't go over terrain nearly as well as any other walker or tank, even though it is smaller.

Now, my recommendations to fix the AT-RT:

  • Figure out which role you want it to fill. Is it supposed to be anti-vehicle or anti-infantry? It's small, it shouldn't be as good at busting in and destroying a whole room of soldiers like what the AT-ST can do. But it's a recon walker, it needs to be able to fight at least one infantry unit and win.
  • Make the ion shot do more damage to vehicles.
  • Add some splash damage, make the bolt bigger, or remove the gun's spread. This would make it not a pain to aim with.
  • Have it move faster outside of sprint. Right now it just feels really clunky coming in and out of sprint.
  • Replace the repair ability with an explosive. I know someone suggested that the trooper be able to throw a thermal detonator.
  • Increase the amount of shots it can fire before overheating.


It's not as good as the other armors. Make it not overheat as fast and truly decide what role you want the vehicle to fill.

How would you fix it?

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almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Thanks for this!