Uhm /u/t0talFPS
You either die a hero or live to become the clanker it seems :'(
Uhm /u/t0talFPS
You either die a hero or live to become the clanker it seems :'(
Uhm /u/t0talFPS
You either die a hero or live to become the clanker it seems :'(
I'm at a loss for words, I really am.
I mean, who even plays as a Specialist anyway, we all know the coolcats play Assault. Is it too late for a name change? I don't want to be Kevin anymore :(
I'll even take up Clanker again, please, something, anything.
I'm at a loss for words, I really am.
I mean, who even plays as a Specialist anyway, we all know the coolcats play Assault. Is it too late for a name change? I don't want to be Kevin anymore :(
I'll even take up Clanker again, please, something, anything.
To be fair...your job title is Community Specialist...
To be fair...your job title is Community Specialist...
I like playing Specialist because of the snipers.
I just like snipers...
Although I don't camp with them, I try to rush into battle like an Assault class lol.
I am a dumb Specialist.
All that matters is that you enjoy playing how you play and don't let anyone else tell you different! And you're never dumb. MTFBWY.