almost 6 years
ago -
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Hey, everyone. Happy Star Wars Day! Sourced from Guillaume's Twitter, here are some of the changes we're looking at making to heroes this month.
- Yoda's running/movement speed up
- Health Regen for blasters up
- Boba and Chewie health up
- Luke saber damage up
- Obi Mind trick length up
- Unrelenting advance damage up + fix
- Dot reticle for Boba
- In air recover and dodges for Boba
- Vader stamina recharge delay down
- Vader damage reduction during choke
- Vader lightsaber damage up
- Finn and Phasma blaster damage up
I figured I'd collect all these in one place to make them easier to read and find. As always, final changes will be in the release notes, so some of these things might shift.
May the 4th be with you!
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