over 4 years ago - /u/F8RGE - Direct link

Hello there,

Quick update on the issue that came up yesterday with regards to your progress on challenges not carrying over.

We have identified a potential fix for this, and it is currently going through our testing pipeline. We estimate that this will likely release next week. Naturally, we would have liked to get it out before the weekend but as we are dealing with live databases, we do need to take extra precautions.

It might only be values in a database, but these values correlate to your Star Wars Battlefront II playing history, and we do not want to rush into a situation which causes knock-on effects to occur.

The good news is that your progress from before this week’s patch has not been lost, we can see it. We have verified this on our own accounts, as well as those provided by some members of the community. Thanks to those who were swift in giving some assistance when requested.

The fix we are working on will not require a client update, so nothing to download from your side.

We apologise, and as always thank you for your support. We will have more details next week.

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