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almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

To be 100% fair, this was the softest of softball answers since the question above that reply was, effectively, "Do you know we want weapons?" When the time is right and we have more to share on any changes/additions to the game, as always, I promise that we'll do so. I don't want to inflate expectations unnecessarily with this and make people think that something is coming right around the corner. We know this is a part of the game that we didn't deliver on that we advertised at launch (we absolutely planned to add more weapons originally, but then, well, we all know what happened), so we're very sorry about that.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by Son_of_Maul

If we knew how much content was going to be taken away due to the rework, I’m pretty sure most people would prefer the content over the rework...

Maybe, but I think we made the right choice. A hard choice, but the right one. Had we not, we wouldn't have been doing right by our players overall, and that's not something that would have sat well with us. We'll get there.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by Okguy1996

Not that you had anything to do with the launch fiasco, but I still believe if players hadn’t outright revolted over that EA woulda been like “sure this release was a great idea” and continued to try and screw players. You did make the right decision and I’m glad you did, because the precedent set otherwise would’ve been awful.

It was an awful precedent. Even though I wasn't part of the team at the time, I was part of the company and I still hold all of us (myself included) responsible for the choice. It shouldn't have happened. We won't let it happen again.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by Travnar

You guys definitely did, but I just wish the community could have seen what it would have been like if things were done right in the beginning.

It’s unfortunate that launch window of time is so crucial and just can’t really be made up.

To some degree, I disagree. Other games have shown that if the team is dedicated enough and sticks through it, it does get better and I think this one is part of that category. We're not really talking about this much (maybe we're too afraid to jinx it) but BII is more popular now than almost ever in its history. It might not feel like that at times since a significant majority of our players play GA, CS, and HvV, leaving some of the smaller, less Star Wars-y modes emptier, but the game is doing very, very well population-wise.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by Chickachic-aaaaahhh

Thats something ive been curious about. Is it populated well enough for a server browser?

That I don't know, nor do I know the dev cost of making a server browser and how much it would take away from making other parts of the game.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by x3mplayer

The greatest teacher Failure is. /u/Charlemagne

Watch your master carefully, you must. Teach you the way of reddit community, he will.

/u/F8RGE Are you teaching him about the darkside? You know this community will interpet, confirm anything you say, brazenly.

Also, does /u/F8RGE makes you call him ''master'' at work? /u/Charlemagne Be honest. /u/F8RGE what do you call him at work? Be honest.

I don't call him "Master" at work, just Ben...though he and many others have taken to calling me "Padawan" because of all of you.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by Lord_Smeagol_III

Population-wise, maybe. But that doesn't make up for the crappy launch, long wait, lack of communication, and general shit state of the game for the first 10 months of last year. Alongside all of the delays, bugs, unbalances we've had so far this year. You still have a lot of work to do if you want to rebuild your reputation.

As I said to someone else, we know we still have a long way to go.