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Hello all,

I want to say firstly I hope everyone is doing okay during these terrible times of disease and strife all over the world. I know that my problem in the midst of this worldwide pandemic is minor, but it has hit me like a freight train and I feel as if everything inside of me is gone.

This morning, my playstation network account was hacked. The person who hacked it has changed the login information so that it is impossible for me to log in.

I have played Battlefront 2 since launch, and have stuck with it through thick and thin. I have been here for all of the updates, and, while not unlocking every single skin, I did unlock many of the hero skins. I also unlocked all of the blasters for every class, except for the top blaster in the officer category(the name of the first order pistol escapes my mind at the moment as I am completely overwhelmed by this). I also leveled up all of the heroes quite a bit, and completely leveled all troopers except for the officer.

I am now afraid that all of this progress, over 2 years worth, is completely gone.

I am going to create a new PSN account, but I was wondering if it was at all possible for someone, anyone who works at DICE or EA to help me transfer all of my unlocks from BF2 over to this new account. I don't care about what my level shows up as, I just really don't want to have to go through the days and days I spent grinding once more to unlock all of the guns and skins and cards that I had unlocked and are now taken from me.

I know there are some Devs who happen to be on this site, and it is now that I ask for your help.

It may be impossible for you to do anything, and if that is the case, then I understand. The team behind this game is absolutely amazing and they continue to blow me out of the water with their love for this franchise, and how they have overcome obstacle after obstacle to make an outstanding game for us all to enjoy.

In short, help me devs, you are my only hope.

Thanks to any who read this and may the force be with you all during this scary time.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Hey u/BrandoCalrissian9229,

Hopefully responding to this to as best of my ability as I can, but if you're ever unsure you need to contact EA Help for assistance about EA services. But this is Sony-level stuff I personally feel,

Sorry to see that this has happened, this scenario is absolutely why we must take extra measures to ensure the safety of our accounts. Be it through the likes of Two Factor Authentication on your Sony account or even on the email address login itself, if that is supported. Always ensure that not a single password is shared between multiple accounts and that you're changing your account password regularly.

It is very unlikely for a PlayStation Network or EA account to get 'hacked' what is usually the case is that there was a weak point somewhere in that they managed to guess your password and log in or guess your email password etc. So I would be advising you to change your details when you can.

Next steps you need to take is to contact Sony support, make sure that you have as much personal and identifiable information at hand to prove that you are indeed the owner of that account. Receipts, email address that your Sony account is linked to, the last couple of games you had played, a message that you had recently sent to your friend via PSN, when you made the account, what was the last code you redeemed on your account. This sort of stuff builds up undeniable proof that it is you who owns it and they should be in a position to return ownership to you.

You may need to create a second account in order to contact Sony support, I'm not sure they allow it via guest/no account support.

In terms of your progression within Battlefront II. All of your progression, entitlements etc across every single EA title is saved and bound to your EA account, not nessecarily the email address. If you log in here using your EA account details (IE: The email and password you used to sign up or log into EA services) and then visited your account settings here, you can change certain details on there.

Worth noting that your sony account and your EA account are two entirely different things, your online progression is saved to your EA account and is always stored on our servers.

Please contact Sony and begin some form of account retrieval process with them, and don't forget to change your passwords for such things like your email address and EA account.