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Since we're coming up on the 1 year anniversary of General Grievous being added to the game, he's long past due for some TLC from the Devs. In his current state he's a mid tier hero who is incredibly frustrating to play as due to the amount of times you die because your abilities failing or getting melted due to your insanely large hitbox & slow speed.

Here are a few ways to buff General Grievous.

  • Remove the 40% stamina penalty from Sith Trained & buff his swing speed.

Anakin doesn't have a stamina penalty for getting bonus damage so why does General Grievous? No, giving Anakin a stamina penalty isn't going to help General Grievous become a better hero. Due to the large amounts of bugs General Grievous has & all of the new Reinforcements added to the PT since his release, GG needs to be able to rely more on his saber swings for kills. Currently he has the slowest swing speed & lowest stamina in the game. Fixing this problem alone would alleviate much of his other glaring weaknesses.

  • Change Beating Heart to a bonus 100 Health & make the current bonus regen passive.

General Grievous is a glass cannon, having passive bonus health regen will free up a star card slot to be used on making his abilities better or if a player chooses, they can have some bonus health to help compensate for his very large hitbox & primary weakness against blasters.

  • Give Unrelenting Advance a standard damage reduction of 35% & slightly speed up the turn rate of it.

Unrelenting Advance was in absolutely terrible shape at launch but now with CC immunity & the damage output, it is in a pretty good spot except for once glaring weakness: Grenade spam. Using UA to actually push objectives in chokepoints or towards a group of enemies is all but a suicide mission due to all of the grenades, blaster fire & god knows what else that come flying your way. UA is basically just a last ditch ability if you get cornered by a spam swinging hero or run out of stamina. Claw Rush has a DR star card of 90% which is very situational, this too is situational so if a player chooses to use Ceaseless Assault having a 75% DR would allow GG to survive the grenade spam of Wookiees in chokepoints & allow you to use to actually advance on your enemies. If you're a blaster hero in HvV, just roll thru it & don't complain that an ability that has 2 spinning lightsabers does too much damage.

These changes can easily make General Grievous back into a top notch hero in the game but not ridiculously OP & an effective counter to Anakin as both were designed to by high damage output killing machines. Currently GG is very good in HvV but he is very weak in GA & CS which is what my suggestions are geared towards.

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over 5 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

At first I was confused with the notion that you would have me buffed, but after another software update it would seem you are discussing THAT supreme commander, in which case these suggestions shall be passed onto the humans to consider further.

Roger, Roger.