about 1 year ago - /u/battlefield - Direct link

Hello there,

We hope you all had a great start of the new year!

Update 6.3.0 releases across all platforms on Tuesday, 30th January. Here is a summary of what's new in this Update:

  • A Look Ahead for the Year of the Dragon Event
  • Squad Spectator Modifier for Battlefield™ Portal that allows for “One Life” or “Tactical Squad” Custom Experiences.
  • Personal Player Color Identifier Improvements

Take a look below for further changes taking place with Update 6.3.0!

//The Battlefield Team

Stay Informed

Follow us on Reddit and Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates and other live service changes.  

Year of the Dragon Event!

Year of the Dragon is almost upon us,

To celebrate this occasion, all players will be tasked with earning ribbons in order to unlock the “Harmonic Balance” Weapon Skin for the Super 500 as seen above. You’ll also be able to earn the “Curious Spirit” Weapon Charm as well as an additional XP Boost and Tier Skip reward to help you kickstart the year.

Some of these items are also a part of a new Store Bundle arriving with this event. Earnable items that are successfully unlocked also reduce the overall cost of this Store Bundle.

The Year of the Dragon Event begins on February 6th!


Squad Spectator Modifier for Battlefield Portal

You will now have the ability to enable Squad Spectating within Battlefield Portal Custom Experiences. This will allow you to spectate your Squad Mates after dying before entering the deploy screen once more to redeploy similar to the experience within Hazard Zone.

As part of this update we will also be introducing the ability to disable the button on this Spectator screen which will prevent you from redeploying, allowing for Custom Experiences to feature “One-Life” or “Tactical Squad” modes while still allowing for spectating your immediate Squad.

AI, Soldier and General Improvements

  • Players will now see a Crossplay Status Indicator within the Main Menu if they currently have Crossplay as OFF.
  • We have extended the Personal Player color functionality to include more HUD Elements. You can set your own color, which will be visible to yourself, within the Options > HUD section.

Gadgets & Specialists

  • Fixed an issue where the head hitbox of a player mounted on Crawford's Vulcan could become misaligned.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player to not see a successful SOFLAM lock-on against vehicles.
  • The Penguins have applied extra glue to the C5 so they should now stick to vehicles with greater efficiency.
  • The APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel should no longer intercept Smoke Grenades.
  • Fixed an issue where if both an enemy and friendly fired Tracer Darts at the same vehicles, the “Target Acquired” prompt would sometimes be missing.
  • Fixed the "Target Acquired" prompt to sometimes be shown on destroyed vehicles.
  • Fixed the SG-36 Sentry Gun sometimes targeting destroyed vehicles.

Battlefield Portal

  • Added math blocks for common used tasks that we noticed players were performing a lot within Custom Experiences. There are now math blocks for the following items.
  • DegreesToRadians - Takes in an angle in degrees and outputs the same angle but expressed in radians
  • RadiansToDegrees - Takes in an angle in radians and outputs the same angle but expressed in degrees
  • Ceiling - Takes in a decimal number and outputs the value rounded upwards. i.e. 1.4 would be rounded up to 2.
  • Floor - Takes in a decimal number and outputs the value rounded downwards. i.e. 1.6 would be rounded down to 1.
  • Pi - Constant block that outputs the value of Pi for use in calculating circumferences and areas of a circle.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause empty magazines in the SVK to still contain bullets visually.
  • Fixed an issue where the carry handle of the VHX-D3 sometimes didn't render correctly.
  • Fixed texturing issues on the P90 magazine.
  • Minor fixes to stats of certain low-magnification sights on the Collection Screen.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in some high recoil, fast-firing weapons from gaining vertical recoil after the angle exceeded a certain value.
  • Fixed a discrepancy between the Collection Screen and ammo count ingame for the ACW-R extended magazine.
  • Fixed a clipping issue when using the PSO-1 Scope on the SCAR-H.
  • Corrected the pros and cons of the High-Power Magazine on the G428 in the Collection Screen.
  • Corrected the Rate of Fire stat for the AC-42 in the Collection Screen
  • Fixed the alignment of some scopes with the rail of the M416
  • Fixed the alignment of the ACOG Scope on the M60E4 LMG (BC2)

Vehicle Changes

  • Fixed a variety of issues related to interactions between Vehicle Systemic Damage and EMP. Including scenarios that result in a permanent vehicle disabled state after being EMP’ed.
  • The EBAA Wildcat now has access to Air Radar. The range of this can be altered via Air Radar settings within the options menu.
  • EMKV90-TOR Canister Coax can no longer be reloaded manually.
  • Fixed issues where the replenish icon and weapon replenishment were not correctly matched on Battlefield Portal vehicles.
  • Regular body damage to the MD540 Nightbird will no longer result in systemic failure. Players should target the avionics of the aircraft in order to disable it.
  • Fixed an issue where air vehicles would not take damage when colliding with skyscrapers on Hourglass.
  • Reduced the magnet effect that some helicopters may encounter while being close to the ground.

This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/battlefield - Direct link

Hello there,

We hope you all had a great start of the new year!

Update 6.3.0 releases across all platforms on Tuesday, 30th January. Here is a summary of what's new in this Update:

  • A Look Ahead for the Year of the Dragon Event
  • Squad Spectator Modifier for Battlefield™ Portal that allows for “One Life” or “Tactical Squad” Custom Experiences.
  • Personal Player Color Identifier Improvements

Take a look below for further changes taking place with Update 6.3.0!

//The Battlefield Team

Stay Informed

Follow us on Reddit and Battlefield to stay informed on the latest news, and on BattlefieldComm for the rollout of updates and other live service changes.  

Year of the Dragon Event!

Year of the Dragon is almost upon us,

To celebrate this occasion, all players will be tasked with earning ribbons in order to unlock the “Harmonic Balance” Weapon Skin for the Super 500 as seen above. You’ll also be able to earn the “Curious Spirit” Weapon Charm as well as an additional XP Boost and Tier Skip reward to help you kickstart the year.

Some of these items are also a part of a new Store Bundle arriving with this event. Earnable items that are successfully unlocked also reduce the overall cost of this Store Bundle.

The Year of the Dragon Event begins on February 6th!


Squad Spectator Modifier for Battlefield Portal

You will now have the ability to enable Squad Spectating within Battlefield Portal Custom Experiences. This will allow you to spectate your Squad Mates after dying before entering the deploy screen once more to redeploy similar to the experience within Hazard Zone.

As part of this update we will also be introducing the ability to disable the button on this Spectator screen which will prevent you from redeploying, allowing for Custom Experiences to feature “One-Life” or “Tactical Squad” modes while still allowing for spectating your immediate Squad.

AI, Soldier and General Improvements

  • Players will now see a Crossplay Status Indicator within the Main Menu if they currently have Crossplay as OFF.
  • We have extended the Personal Player color functionality to include more HUD Elements. You can set your own color, which will be visible to yourself, within the Options > HUD section.

Gadgets & Specialists

  • Fixed an issue where the head hitbox of a player mounted on Crawford's Vulcan could become misaligned.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player to not see a successful SOFLAM lock-on against vehicles.
  • The Penguins have applied extra glue to the C5 so they should now stick to vehicles with greater efficiency.
  • The APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel should no longer intercept Smoke Grenades.
  • Fixed an issue where if both an enemy and friendly fired Tracer Darts at the same vehicles, the “Target Acquired” prompt would sometimes be missing.
  • Fixed the "Target Acquired" prompt to sometimes be shown on destroyed vehicles.
  • Fixed the SG-36 Sentry Gun sometimes targeting destroyed vehicles.

Battlefield Portal

  • Added math blocks for common used tasks that we noticed players were performing a lot within Custom Experiences. There are now math blocks for the following items.
  • DegreesToRadians - Takes in an angle in degrees and outputs the same angle but expressed in radians
  • RadiansToDegrees - Takes in an angle in radians and outputs the same angle but expressed in degrees
  • Ceiling - Takes in a decimal number and outputs the value rounded upwards. i.e. 1.4 would be rounded up to 2.
  • Floor - Takes in a decimal number and outputs the value rounded downwards. i.e. 1.6 would be rounded down to 1.
  • Pi - Constant block that outputs the value of Pi for use in calculating circumferences and areas of a circle.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause empty magazines in the SVK to still contain bullets visually.
  • Fixed an issue where the carry handle of the VHX-D3 sometimes didn't render correctly.
  • Fixed texturing issues on the P90 magazine.
  • Minor fixes to stats of certain low-magnification sights on the Collection Screen.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in some high recoil, fast-firing weapons from gaining vertical recoil after the angle exceeded a certain value.
  • Fixed a discrepancy between the Collection Screen and ammo count ingame for the ACW-R extended magazine.
  • Fixed a clipping issue when using the PSO-1 Scope on the SCAR-H.
  • Corrected the pros and cons of the High-Power Magazine on the G428 in the Collection Screen.
  • Corrected the Rate of Fire stat for the AC-42 in the Collection Screen
  • Fixed the alignment of some scopes with the rail of the M416
  • Fixed the alignment of the ACOG Scope on the M60E4 LMG (BC2)

Vehicle Changes

  • Fixed a variety of issues related to interactions between Vehicle Systemic Damage and EMP. Including scenarios that result in a permanent vehicle disabled state after being EMP’ed.
  • The EBAA Wildcat now has access to Air Radar. The range of this can be altered via Air Radar settings within the options menu.
  • EMKV90-TOR Canister Coax can no longer be reloaded manually.
  • Fixed issues where the replenish icon and weapon replenishment were not correctly matched on Battlefield Portal vehicles.
  • Regular body damage to the MD540 Nightbird will no longer result in systemic failure. Players should target the avionics of the aircraft in order to disable it.
  • Fixed an issue where air vehicles would not take damage when colliding with skyscrapers on Hourglass.
  • Reduced the magnet effect that some helicopters may encounter while being close to the ground.

This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible.

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/battlefield - Direct link

Community Note

Additionally, we had hoped that Update 6.3 would include the "Improved Map Rotations" Quality of Life Change as listed on our Road to Season 7 Roadmap.

This change is still on its way and will reduce the likelihood of playing the same location multiple times in short succession for All-Our Warfare.

While this won't arrive for Update 6.3, please stay tuned for more details on when to expect this in a future update.

about 1 year ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by thebearrider

Trophy not taking out smoke grenades is a big one.

Never should've been the case, and I'm glad someone alerted us to that. It's a defensive gadget, and it allows for people to hopefully push chokepoints a little bit more now that it won't be suppressed.

about 1 year ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by Florflok

Squad spectator is huge..but it's for portal only? What gives?

It's there to encourage Custom Experiences that may have more of a slant towards Squad Based gameplay, Only One Life or Tactical Scenarios.
We'll be keeping an eye on those experiences to see - like previous Custom Experiences - if there are ones for the Community Spotlight.

Keep the feedback coming regarding its usage in All Out Warfare.

about 1 year ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by LaFl3urrr

VHX nerf when?

Aiming for that to take place next week too, though this will be outside of the 6.3 Update. Keep your eyes peeled on @BattlefieldComm for when the team checks it in.