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Just came up against two dudes in a BMP2. One was Rao with SOFLAM, locking on to people for his friend in the BMP2. He locked on to me several times in my helicopter and all I got was the SOFLAM lock on beep. No warning of incoming, nothing.

There is no counter to it other than staying out of their range. The SOFLAM lock on will linger on you and the guided missile from the BMP2 will lock on to you VERY FAST and it will follow you, silently, until you die.

I even hid behind terrain to line of sight the missile I knew was coming but that didn't work either because it seems to fly up and down, like a SOFLAM-guided Javelin.

Well, anyway now that everyone knows of this silent wombo combo, have fun getting screwed until EA fixes it. If they fix it.

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11 days ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

We're aiming to have some of this resolved in our next update, stay tuned :)

11 days ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by East-Hamster1282

How many months until your next update? The BMP and Bradley got nerfed within 24 hours because they were farming infantry. Thank God you took action so fast on that regard.


11 days ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by Basile001

Maybe for the nerf it was an only server issue/change, and soflam problem needs a client update so they need to create a package, validate before sending the updat.

This guy gets it! We are trying our best to get to a world where the vast majority of things can be done via command, but unfortunately some do require client updates which then result in a QV process and certifications too!

11 days ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

Originally posted by Lock3down221

Just to add while you're here. The game crashes more ever since the update on PS5.

We are investigating this for consoles, unsure on where we are at with it right now but I appreciate the patience. I know it can be frustrating!