Original Post — Direct link
11 months ago - /u/Straatford87 - Direct link

Originally posted by medicnoxy

I'm sorry but I find it extremely hard to believe the claim that over 10.000 hours were spent on testing season 5. How did the spread bug get through "quality control" if this is the case? It is not like it is "fringe" player behaviour that caused this. This is something that is immediately apparent if you use an AR - especially the AC.

You also boast about being able to allegedly "hotfix" issues quickly based on player feedback - yet the RM68 has been widely complained about since Season 4 launch and the entire season nothing was done. And the "fix" in Season 5 made it worse. Now you say you will do more to the RM68 - but why wasn't this in Season 5 from the very beginning then if you have the ability to "hotfix"?

It was literally just tweeted that you hotfixed buff the mini grenades, inspite the intention to fix explosive spam this season....? I'm so confused why this was a priority? Doesn't this run contrary to your intentions about reducing explosive spam?

Genuinely curious - not trying to be a dick. It just seems like the "player experience" is completely contrary to these claims.

For anyone else reading, I first recommend to instead listen to the podcast which has full context + a longer discussion on the subject. But I'll summarize answers to the questions below.

Changes to the RM68- Since we already changed dispersion for all Assault Rifles in the Season 5 update, we wanted to see how that played first before making further changes to the RM68. As a team we are in favor of gradual changes vs over-buffing/nerfing. With that said, it can happen that we miss the mark on a change.

What can we "live tweak"?

- We can't do live tweakables (yet) for all in-game items. We can do it for Gadgets as an example, as we did today for the Spring Grenade. But as of right now, weapon changes still need a separate game update, and work on that next game update is ongoing.

Live tweaking versus other priorities

- If we see that an item is not performing as we want it to, and we can change it via a live tweakable, then we will. It's a change that in some cases takes us only a few minutes. For the Spring Grenade, that means it's now on par with the Frag Grenade (as intended). That doesn't mean "more" explosions, but rather giving players meaningful choice between available Grenades. In terms of "is this a priority", then the answer is yes. This change is now immediately available for players and we can move on towards other improvements. As we discussed in the podcast, it's important to stay reactive to feedback in cases where we can.

Amount of testing

We also talked about testing internally versus at scale when as a players you go hands on.

What we explained was that once an update goes live, players will within a short period of time be able to accumulate more hours than what's possible to test internally. That is because there are thousands of players jumping in simultaneously, and for extended periods of time.

To reiterate the number of hours mentioned in the podcast was a random number taken as an example. We also called out it was an example, twice.

You can listen to the full section at 17:35.

Lastly and speaking personally, seeing "I find it hard to believe that..." as the first response isn't what I hoped for. We sat down with the team to give an in-depth overview and clarification for you and other players. We didn't got into a podcast just to make up stuff. With that said, the number you posted around testing was just a random example number, and we called that out twice :-)