about 3 years
ago -
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Hi, @Excobi
I'm afraid we can't review reports from AHQ.
If you believe someone isn't playing by the rules, please report them so the team can investigate it.
"You can report players through the Squad and Players list or through the Social screen in-game.
You can also Block players if you no longer want to be in Squads with them, or to see them in text chat, or hear them in voice chat.
The easiest way to report or block someone is through the Squad and Players list:
- Open the Pause menu
- Choose Squad and Players.
- Select the player’s name on the list.
- Choose More.
- If you want to block the player, select Block and then confirm when you’re asked to. Blocked players are also muted for you in voice and text chat.
- If you want to report them, select Report.
- Select the option that matches what you need to report.
- Add information about what you’re reporting into the box and then select Send Report."
- Antonio