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After watching that portal trailer im fully convinced that Dice is listening and does care. We complained about wall hacks so they slap a video together showing the changes (map video). Then again on the portal video. On top of that everyone on here is complaining about lack of portal details. Sooo they give us an appetizer of portal. Lack of destruction concerns? Here is an appetizer for that too. I love it. Whatever you do today try to stay positive. See ya on the battlefield

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over 3 years ago - /u/T0TALfps - Direct link

While we may not be able to communicate on every single topic at hand, or put out such information as fast as we may like, we are always watching, collecting feedback and discussing internally how to address such things.

I think while some times things may get a bit negative in places and hate often trumps positivity in some circles, we are all here out of one core thing that binds us all together and that's passion to see Battlefield the best it can be, we all enjoy it and we share ground on that.

So while things may be negative, positive, constructive or anything in between, we're here and working to ensure the game can be the best it can be.

And hey, see you on the Battlefield 😉