I'm a console gamer. To be quite honest, above average, I has a hard time to learn how to move well, listen enemies, control recoil and today I have a humble 2.62 kd. I play with aim assist turned off. Nothing impressive but it was very hard to get here.
I have seen a lot in the community, PC players, especially when they are deleted by the console, blaming the aim assist (even without knowing if the player is using it or not) and I feel the toxic environment. I feel like the fact that I aim with my fingers instead of my entire arm is looked down upon and ridiculed.
With these aim assist fixes, I've seen several of these PC streamers complaining again and saying that they will stop playing. But I'm the one who will go. It's not cool in a multiplayer game to kill your opponent and still not feel "worthy" of having killed him.
Playing with crossplay off does not fill the server. Let's go back to BF5... Just a rant.
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