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over 4 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by aur0n


Please, this is a serious issue. I crashed several times just by being shot from Ray-guns, and when I don't, my game stutters when ray-gun projectiles are nearby.

Other people have the same issue like me, so it's not an isolated case. I also tagged /u/FoxhoundFPS on the matter (link), but I didn't get any response.

Please upvote for visibility, PC players are important too. :'(

EDIT: Sorry /u/FoxhoundFPS I forgot you replied here, just please be sure the devs are aware this is an important issue that should be taken care of, for the sake of us (few) PC players that still play. I provided proof in video so that they can acknowledge it's indeed a problem with Ray-guns.

Other people has the same issue like me, so it's not an isolated case. I also tagged /u/FoxhoundFPS on the matter (link), but I didn't get any response.

This is inaccurate. I have responded here and here with your responses being here and here.

As I shared previously, any crash reports you may have, located in \Call of Duty Black Ops 4\crash_reports, can be sent to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Include the files within that folder and your battle.net ID.

It is my goal to assist the community where I can. Being dishonest in your post adversely affects this. If these actions continue to occur I will be forced to reconsider engaging with you as you create a false narrative about the actions I'm taking and my personal credibility.

over 4 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by aur0n

Plus, shouldn't crashes being sent automatically? Because if they don't, then it's no mystery bugs on PC are slow to getting fixed (when they do).And isn't ["[email protected]](mailto:"[email protected])" a bit too generic email for this kind of stuff? I can't see how this is the best way to deal with crashes, reports will surely be overwhelmed by others email/SPAM/etc and lost in the way. I thought there was a more automated/professional way from the PC team to deal those.

We do have systems in place which forward diagnostic information automatically. I am not going to get into what that information is and is not, however.

The reports I'm requesting will be sent directly to members of our team for investigation and the email I'm utilizing is one I review often. Generic, yes, but an inbox I utilize that can help me help you.

I'm trying to help here, but you appear adverse to this.