almost 5 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by binky779

Thank you for the tag. Will forward this to our enforcement team.

almost 5 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by Razzle_Dazzle08

Should I report people who team in solo as well? Killed by a duo while playing solos yesterday, I was in the Top 10 and fast-tracked to getting my first win. Iā€™m not sure how to report players so I had to leave it.

Yes. You can report in-game, where you would normally watch the kill cam, and in the social tab.

almost 5 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by poignantMrEcho

That seems like a crappy reason to report somebody though. People teaming up with the enemy even on purpose I don't know it just seems a lot like not that big a deal. Like during the Royal rumble when people team up on the better player and then go after each other you know?

almost 5 years ago - /u/FoxhoundFPS - Direct link

Originally posted by BatteryChuck3r

Honest question - why is FF even enabled? There is no reason whatsoever for FF to be enabled in this game when it's not in any other BR as far as I know, especially the popular ones. Plus the modes players like to play don't have it enabled either.

Honest Answer: I'm not sure. - I'm not in the business of making design decisions like that or explaining them without further information from our team, but I understand your feedback. It's actually constructive and has a place in the community.